Run Meteor as a Daemon Process

Run Meteor as a Daemon process

Meteor Up creates a daemon with these features:

  • Auto-Restart if the app crashed (using forever)

  • Auto-Start after the server reboot (using upstart)

How to run meteor in the background forever

I use Forever in my Meteor app.

How to run meteor on startup on Ubuntu server

You should use Ubuntu way, which is Upstart:

How to define daemon job:

Hope it helps :)

Your upstart file would be more or less:

# meteorjs - meteorjs job file

description "MeteorJS"
author "Igor S"

# When to start the service
start on runlevel [2345]

# When to stop the service
stop on runlevel [016]

# Automatically restart process if crashed

# Essentially lets upstart know the process will detach itself to the background
expect fork

# Run before process
pre-start script
echo ""
end script

# Start the process
exec meteor run -p 80 --help -- production

How does one start a node.js server as a daemon process?

Forever is answer to your question.


$ curl | sh
$ npm install forever
# Or to install as a terminal command everywhere:
$ npm install -g forever


Using Forever from the command line

$ forever start server.js

Using an instance of Forever from Node.js

var forever = require('forever');

var child = new forever.Forever('your-filename.js', {
max: 3,
silent: true,
args: []

child.on('exit', this.callback);

Keep meteor running on amazon EC2

Install forever and use a start script.

$ npm install -g forever

I have several scripts for managing my production environment - the start script looks something like:


forever stopall

export MAIL_URL=...
export MONGO_URL=...
export MONGO_OPLOG_URL=...
export PORT=3000
export ROOT_URL=...
forever start /home/ubuntu/apps/myapp/bundle/main.js

exit 0

Conveniently, it will also append to a log file in ~/.forever which will show any errors encountered while running your app. You can get the location of the log file and other stats about your app with:

$ forever list

To get your app to start on startup, you'd need to do something appropriate for your flavor of linux. You can maybe just put the start script in /etc/rc.local. For ubuntu see this question.

Also note you really should be bundling your app if using it in production. See this comparison for more details on the differences.

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