Remove ^H and ^M Characters from a File Using Linux Shell Scripting

remove ^M characters from file using sed

Use tr:

tr -d '^M' < inputfile

(Note that the ^M character can be input using Ctrl+VCtrl+M)

EDIT: As suggested by Glenn Jackman, if you're using bash, you could also say:

tr -d $'\r' < inputfile

how to remove ^@ from text files in unix?

The ^@ that you're seeing isn't a literal string. It's an escape code for a NUL (character value 0). If you want to remove them all:

tr -d '\0' <test.txt >newfile.txt

To help diagnose this sort of thing, the od (octal dump) utility is handy. I ran this on the test file you linked, to confirm that they were NULs:

$ od -c test.txt | head
0000000 \0 A \0 i \0 r \0 Q \0 u \0 a \0 l \0 i
0000020 \0 t \0 y \0 S \0 t \0 a \0 t \0 i \0 o
0000040 \0 n \0 E \0 o \0 I \0 C \0 o \0 d \0 e
0000060 \0 \n \0 D \0 E \0 H \0 E \0 0 \0 4 \0 4
0000400 \0 \n \0 D \0 E \0 H \0 E \0 0 \0 4 \0
0000420 4 \0 \n \0 D \0 E \0 H \0 E \0 0 \0 4 \0
0422160 4 \0 \n \n

How can I remove special characteres from expect?

You could use the bash tr utility. From the man page

tr -- translate characters

The tr utility copies the standard input to the standard output with sub-
situation or deletion of selected characters.

tr [-Ccsu] string1 string2
tr [-Ccu] -d string1

-C Complement the set of characters in string1, that is ``-C ab''
includes every character except for `a' and `b'.

-c Same as -C but complement the set of values in string1.

-d Delete characters in string1 from the input.

To Strip out non-printable characters from file1.

tr -cd "[:print:]\n" < file1 # This is all you need.

Remove carriage return in Unix

I'm going to assume you mean carriage returns (CR, "\r", 0x0d) at the ends of lines rather than just blindly within a file (you may have them in the middle of strings for all I know). Using this test file with a CR at the end of the first line only:

$ cat infile

$ cat infile | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \r \n g o o d b y e \n

dos2unix is the way to go if it's installed on your system:

$ cat infile | dos2unix -U | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n g o o d b y e \n

If for some reason dos2unix is not available to you, then sed will do it:

$ cat infile | sed 's/\r$//' | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n g o o d b y e \n

If for some reason sed is not available to you, then ed will do it, in a complicated way:

$ echo ',s/\r\n/\n/
> w !cat
> Q' | ed infile 2>/dev/null | od -c
0000000 h e l l o \n g o o d b y e \n

If you don't have any of those tools installed on your box, you've got bigger problems than trying to convert files :-)

How do I find and remove emojis in a text file?

2020 UPDATE: Perl v5.32 uses Unicode 13 and supports several properties that deal with emoji. You can simple use the Emoji property:

use v5.32;
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);

while( <<>> ) { # double diamond (from v5.26)

As a one-liner, this turns into:

% perl -CS -pe 's/\p{Emoji}//g' file1 file2 ...

Character classes for older Perls

In Perl, removing the emojis can be this easy. At its core, this is very close to what you'd do it sed. Update the pattern and other details for your task:

use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);

my $pattern = "[\x{1f300}-\x{1f5ff}\x{1f900}-\x{1f9ff}\x{1f600}-\x{1f64f}\x{1f680}-\x{1f6ff}\x{2600}-\x{26ff}\x{2700}-\x{27bf}\x{1f1e6}-\x{1f1ff}\x{1f191}-\x{1f251}\x{1f004}\x{1f0cf}\x{1f170}-\x{1f171}\x{1f17e}-\x{1f17f}\x{1f18e}\x{3030}\x{2b50}\x{2b55}\x{2934}-\x{2935}\x{2b05}-\x{2b07}\x{2b1b}-\x{2b1c}\x{3297}\x{3299}\x{303d}\x{00a9}\x{00ae}\x{2122}\x{23f3}\x{24c2}\x{23e9}-\x{23ef}\x{25b6}\x{23f8}-\x{23fa}]";

while( <DATA> ) { # use <> to read from command line

Emoji at end br> Emoji at beginning
Emoji in middle

UTS #51 mentions an Emoji property, but it's not listed in perluniprop. Were there such a thing, you would simplify that removing anything with that property:

while( <DATA> ) {

There is the Emoticon property, but that doesn't cover your character class. I haven't looked to see if it would be the same as the Emoji property in UTS #51.

User-defined Unicode properties

You can make your own properties by defining a subroutine that begins is In or Is followed by the property name you choose. That subroutine returns a potentially multi-lined string where each line is either a single hex code number or two hex code numbers separated by horizontal whitespace. Any character in all of that is then part of your property.

Here's that same character class as a user-defined Unicode property. Note that I use the squiggly heredoc, mostly because I can write the program locally with leading space so I can paste directly into StackOverflow. The lines in IsEmoji cannot have leading space, though, but the indented heredoc takes care of that:

use v5.26; # for indented heredoc
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);

while( <DATA> ) { # use <> to read from command line

sub IsEmoji { <<~"HERE";
1f300 1f5ff
1f900 1f9ff
1f600 1f64f
1f680 1f6ff
2600 26ff
2700 27bf
1f1e6 1f1ff
1f191 1f251
1f004 1f0cf
1f170 1f171
1f17e 1f17f
2934 2935
2b05 2b07
2b1b 2b1c
23e9 23ef
23f8 23fa

Emoji at end br> Emoji at beginning
Emoji in middle

You can put that in a module:

sub IsMyEmoji { <<~"HERE";
1f300 1f5ff
... # all that other stuff too
23f8 23fa


Now you can use that in a one liner (the -I. adds the current directory to the module search path and the -M denotes a module to load):

$ perl -CS -I. -MIsEmoji -pe 's/\p{IsEmoji}//g' file1 file2

Beyond that, you're stuck with the long character class in your one-liner.

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