Run Text Files in Terminal

Run text files in terminal

That's called a "shell script."

Add this to the top of your file:


Then execute this command:

chmod +x filename

Then execute it like a program:


Alternately, you can execute the shell directly, telling it to execute the commands in your file:

sh -e filename

How to call Terminal Commands in a TEXT File?

You have two options.

  1. Add this into your package.json file
"scripts": {
"start": "npm install express && npm install body-parser && node app.js && ls"

Now you can use npm start to run all these commands at one go.

  1. Add a bash script in your project directory.
    The file should be named
    Inside add
npm install express && npm install body-parser && node app.js && ls

You can run the script using ./ in your terminal.

Run text file as commands in Bash

you can make a shell script with those commands, and then chmod +x <>, and then just run it by


Its very simple to write a bash script

Mockup sh file:

sudo command1
sudo command2
sudo commandn

Running my code in terminal doesn't work because in cannot find one of the files

data.txt is not in the directory that you are executing this script from.

From your PS1 it looks like you are in your home directory, which is where the program is looking for data.txt.

Try navigating to the directory with the data.txt file and then running the same command. Or making the path absolute in the program that you have written.

how can I execute command lines in txt file at Terminal?

Assuming you are using a unix/bash command line.
What you are looking for is a bash/sh script.

I would copy and rename your file.txt file to

You will probably need to make it executable. $ chmod u+x

You will also want to add #!/bin/bash to the top of your script.

You may need to adjust some syntax but that should be enough to get you rolling.

you could also try just running the file as is $ sh file.txt.

How to compile and run Java with jar and txt-files from Terminal

You're doing it wrong. I would REALLY suggest using Maven for something like this. I know it might be too much, but it's worth it. Maven is definitely a standard and it makes everything much easier. :)

1. Mavenize your project

RMB on your project and select Add Framework Support...

Sample Image

and then select Maven from the list, and apply.

You have now a new pom.xml file. Enter it.
Change your artifactId and groupId accordingly.

Apply proper plugins next:

<!-- That allows you to shade your libraries to your jar !-->
<!-- That plugin compiles your jar with Java 8 !-->
<!-- That plugin adds a manifest and makes your jar file !-->
<mainClass> YOUR MAIN CLASS </mainClass>
<!-- This allow Maven to filter your resources folder! !-->

(just copy and paste that)
Remember! You need to change YOUR MAIN CLASS to your proper main class where your main(String[] args) method is! That allows Maven to create a manifest file (which will allow you to open the jar from terminal)

2. Add your JSoup dependency

Look how easy is that, no downloading, just paste that:


Wait! Remember to click on Enable auto-import in the down right corner! That will allow Maven to auto-download your dependencies.

3. Add your files

Put your out.txt file into resources folder, and your .java files into src/main/java/ folder, and you're ready!

Now you can obtain your stream using

ClassLoader loader = YourClass.class.getClassLoader();
InputStream inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream("out.txt");

Keep in mind that you shouldn't write to that file, only read. If you want to write, then you should create that file elsewhere.

4. Building

To build your jar just open Maven Tools like so:
Sample Image

And then hit install command from it:

Sample Image

Wait a little and your jar file ready to use should be in /target/ folder in your root project.

If you have any questions, ask them! I will help you with usage of Maven. ;)

How to run commands on each text file of a directory and delete each text file?

Open a command prompt window and run for /?. The output help explains how to used command FOR to do something on files found in a directory or with numbers or on various strings read from somewhere.

You can use for your simple task:

@echo off
for %%I in (*.txt) do (
echo File: "%%~fI"
echo del "%%~fI"

Replace the first line with command ECHO in command block of FOR by the command line(s) to use on found *.txt file which name is hold by case-sensitive loop variable I.

Remove echo on second line in command block if the batch file is working as expected by you.

Note: This batch file just outputs the name of each found *.txt file with full path and the command line which would be used for deleting the *.txt file without doing the deletion.

Import text file to python script to run terminal commands

In order to save the values to a dictionary, you can do the following:

config = dict()                   # construct an empty dictionary. Fill it with key-value pairs a every iteration
f = open("demofile.txt", "r")
for x in f:
x = x.split(':')
attribute = x[0].strip() # .strip() removes preceding and trailing whitespaces
value = x[1].strip()
config[attribute] = value # save the attribute and its value to the dictionary

In this case config is the dictionary that has all values of assigned to attribute as keys and the corresponding value's as values. I have also added the .strip() method to the items you read in order to remove any whitespaces (since the way your example.txt is formatted, x[1] will have values " ubuntu" and " no" rather than "ubuntu" and "no").

Now you can construct your if statement like this:

if config['os'] == 'ubuntu' and config['required'] == 'no':
# exec terminal command
elif config['os'] == 'debian' and config['required'] == 'yes':
# exec another terminal command

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