Perl Escaping Argument for Bash Execution

Perl escaping argument for bash execution

It's much easier to use single quotes in bash; then the only character you need to worry about is a single quote itself.

($arbitrary_string) =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;

`echo '$arbitrary_string'`

Should I escape shell arguments in Perl?

If you use system $cmd, @args rather than system "$cmd @args" (an array rather than a string), then you do not have to escape the arguments because no shell is invoked (see system). system {$cmd} $cmd, @args will not invoke a shell either even if $cmd contains metacharacters and @args is empty (this is documented as part of exec). If the args are coming from user input (or other untrusted source), you will still want to untaint them. See -T in the perlrun docs, and the perlsec docs.

If you need to read the output or send input to the command, qx and readpipe have no equivalent. Instead, use open my $output, "-|", $cmd, @args or open my $input, "|-", $cmd, @args although this is not portable as it requires a real fork which means Unix only... I think. Maybe it'll work on Windows with its simulated fork. A better option is something like IPC::Run, which will also handle the case of piping commands to other commands, which neither the multi-arg form of system nor the 4 arg form of open will handle.

Perl backticks using bash

Capture::Tiny is a very nice option: as the SYNOPSIS shows, you can do

use Capture::Tiny 'capture';
my ($output, $error_output, $exit_code) = capture {

as well as using system inside capture_stdout if you want the simpler behavior of backticks.

Plus it's very general-purpose, working on Perl code (even Perl code that does weird stuff) as well as external programs, so it's a good thing to have in your toolbox.

How can I escape double quotes in the system command in this perl oneliner?

I'd like to find out how to escape quotes within the system command in
the following perl oneliner:

$ ls -p | grep -v / | perl -lane 'system("echo \"$_\"");'

without using the \" escape sequence, in the manner shown here: [...]

Those examples are for escaping single quotes, your example uses double quotes \"$_\". In Bash everything within single quote are taken literally (except the single quote itself), the same is not true for that within double quotes. For example a $ within double quotes are not a literal $ but indicates that a variable expansion is to follow.

Now, in your command there are three levels of quote interpretation.

  • First the outer shell (the command line):

    perl -lane 'system("echo \"$_\"");'
  • Then the perl interpreter:

    system("echo \"$_\");
  • Then a second shell (here, Bash is used):

    echo "xxx"

where xxx is the expansion of $_ in the perl script

Your command does not contain any internal single quotes, so there is no need to use the Bash quoting constructs for escaping single quotes, like

It's fine  -> 'It'"'"'s fine'


It's fine  -> 'It'\''s fine'

Further, you need to escape the double quote in the perl script

system("echo \"$_\"")

since they are inside double quotes, alternatively you could remove them
since echo does not need double quotes here:

system("echo $_")

would work fine, or you could do as proposed in the comments:

system(qq/echo "$_"/)

or use the LIST form of system with more than one argument

system("/bin/echo", $_)

However, if you wanted to use single quotes, for example:

system('echo ' . $_)

you would need to invoke the shell's single quote escapes:

'system('"'"'echo ''"' . $_)'

or (using double quotes):

"system('echo ' . "'$'"_)"

Escaping whitespace within nested shell/perl scripts

To run it as posted " -g \"Some Example\" -n 1 -p 45" do this:

eval "$1"

This causes the $1 argument to be parsed by the shell so the individual words will be broken up and the quotes removed.

Or if you want you could remove the quotes and run -g "Some Example" -n 1 -p 45 if you changed your script to:


The "$@" gets replaced by all the arguments $1, $2, etc., as many as were passed in on the command line.

How can I safely pass a filename with spaces to an external command in Perl?

Are you looking for quotemeta?

Returns the value of EXPR with all non-"word" characters backslashed.

Update: As hobbs points out in the comments, quotemeta is not intended for this purpose and upon thinking a little more about it, might have problems with embedded nuls. On the other hand String::ShellQuote croaks upon encountering embedded nulls.

The safest way is to avoid the shell entirely. Using the list form of 'system' can go a long way towards that (I found out to my dismay a few months ago that cmd.exe might still get involved on Windows), I would recommend that.

If you need the output of the command, you are best off (safety-wise) opening a pipe yourself as shown in hobbs' answer

Perl to exec a program with arguments containing @

As an argument to a command in the shell,


causes the the string


to be passed to the program. Your program passes


to the program. The problem isn't the @; the problem is the " and \ you are adding.

my $mf = $msginfo->sender_smtp;
push @gd_args_msg, "-f=$mf"; # Assuming $mf is <>

Perl regex directly escaping special characters

Interpolation happens first, then \Q, \U, \u, \L and \l.

That means


is equivalent to

"abc" . quotemeta("def" . $ghi . "!jkl") . "mno"


s/\Q$~^/Two/    # not ok   quotemeta($~ . "^")
s/\Q$Sub/Two/ # ok
s/\$\~\^/Two/ # ok
s/\$\Q~^/Two/ # ok

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