Find Command to Find Files and Concatenate Them

find command to find files and concatenate them

Use cat in -exec and redirect output of find:

find /home/downloaded/ -type f -name '*.gz' -exec cat {} \; > output

Command to find all files in a directory and concat them for a parameter?

It sounds like you want ls and xargs.

Bash: find and concatenate files

find /home/DIR* -name 'file*csv' |xargs cat > output.csv

find /home/DIR* -name '*csv' gives you the files absolute paths.

xargs cat will iterate the files and cat print the files content

Bash: find and concatenate filenames with two digits

You are trying to use regular expression syntax where you need to use a glob.

You just need to specify the range twice, rather than using {2}:

find "$PWD"/RUN[0-9][0-9] -name '*csv' |xargs cat > big_cat_file.csv

(Note that [!0-9] matches any single character except a digit.)

To accommodate any legal filename that might match *csv, you should use the -exec primary instead of xargs. (Consider what would happen if a file name contains whitespace, or in the worst case, a newline.)

    find "$PWD"/RUN[0-9][0-9] -name '*csv' -exec cat {} + > big_cat_file.csv

This not only works with any valid file name, but minimizes the number of calls to cat that are required.

How do I concatenate files in a subdirectory with Unix find execute and cat into a single file?

find's -exec argument runs the command you specify once for each file it finds. Try:

$ find . -type f -exec cat {} \; > out.txt


$ find . -type f | xargs cat > out.txt

xargs converts its standard input into command-line arguments for the command you specify. If you're worried about embedded spaces in filenames, try:

$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat > out.txt

Concatenate two text files using command line (windows) in a Batch script

Mmm... As I understand it, you want to append each AEDAT_... file to the end of the corresponding ADAT_... one (you are not clear about what "merge two files" means). If so, this is a solution:

@echo off
for /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %%a in ('dir /B AEDAT_*.txt') do (
type "%%a_%%b") >> "ADAT_%%b"
del "%%a_%%b"

bash: use list of file names to concatenate matching files across directories and save all files in new directory

You can do it like this:

mkdir -p new_dir

for f in path/to/dir*/*.txt; do
cat "$f" >> "new_dir/${f##*/}"

This is a common use for substring removal with parameter expansion, in order to use only the basename of the file to construct the output filename.

Or you can use a find command to get the files and execute the command for each one:

find path/to/dir* -type f -name '*.txt' -print0 |\
xargs -0 -n1 sh -c 'cat "$0" >> new_dir/"${0##*/}"'

In the above command, the filenames out of find are preserved with zero separation (-print0), and xargs also accepts a zero separated list (-0). For each argument (-n1) the command following is executed. We call sh -c 'command' for convenience to use the substring removal inside there, we can access the argument provided by xargs as $0.

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