Font Are Not Displayed in Idea

TTF fonts not available on Intellij

As per Can I make IntelliJ IDEA look more like Eclipse?

Fonts are rendered by the JVM, so it shows any TTF fonts that it can find. If for some reason not all your system TTF fonts are visible, you need to copy *.ttf files into JDK_HOME/jre/lib/fonts. After restarting IDEA you'll be able to choose new fonts. Fonts missing some Unicode characters required for proper code display will not be listed.

Font are not displayed in Idea

Thanks, user3745346. I had the same problem with Idea ultimate under ArchLinux. Fixed by changing line




in the IDEA_HOME/bin/idea64.vmoptions

A font doesn't appear in IntelliJ's dialog of choosing a font

Try to install fonts in another way. Just use the Font Viewer.

Sample Image

I use IDEA under ElementaryOS and it works for me.


Sample Image

IntelliJ IDEA - font Fira Code is installed but doesn't show in the menu

The font must be installed as an Administrator (install for all users option).

Why is the font in the new IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 not rendering properly?

Seconding an earlier response to this question, I have also have had great luck fixing font rendering issues on IntelliJ using tuxjdk. Tuxjdk is a JDK for the IDE, while any applications you're coding on runs in their own project configured JDK such as Oracle or OpenJDK. Here are the instructions:

The following fetches, unpacks, and moves the version you need to /usr/lib, then cleans up the archive. Modify /usr/lib to wherever you like to keep your JDKs.

tar -zxvf jdk-8u5-tuxjdk-b08.tar.gz
sudo mv jdk-8u5-tuxjdk-b08 /usr/lib
rm jdk-8u5-tuxjdk-b08.tar.gz

Open up in your IntelliJ application folder /idea-IU-141.*/bin. Change the following line at the bottom of the script from



LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$IDE_BIN_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" "/usr/lib/jdk-8u5-tuxjdk-b08/bin/java" \

That's it. This made huge font improvements for me in Ubuntu 14.04.


This solution is the best so far (until JetBrains decide to fix it properly).

I would just add the line: IDEA_JDK="/usr/lib/jdk-8u25-tuxjdk/" to the top of, which the script checks before resorting to JDK_HOME etc. (so is probably the recommended way) rather than messing with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

In my case I got nicely rendered but huge fonts with this solution. In order to fix it I had to do an extra fix from Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance
I chose the 'not recommended' option to Override default fonts by Arial size 12. This was the best effect I got so far.

IntelliJ IDEA: how to fix broken font display?

The issue is not with the language, but with some broken font mapping on your system. The workaround is to change IDE font. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to access the Settings dialog, open the second entry from the top and set some font here:


How to show - and = as special characters in the IntelliJ Idea IDE?

You are searching for font ligatures.

In writing and typography, a ligature occurs where two or more graphemes or letters are joined as a single glyph. An example is the character æ as used in English, in which the letters a and e are joined.

IntelliJ supports this by default in the Settings -> Editor -> Font -> Enable font ligatures:

Sample Image

Fonts supporting ligatures I'm aware of are:

  • Fira Code
  • Iosevka
  • Hasklig
  • PragmataPro
  • monoid
  • Ligaturizer

Set local font in IntelliJ IDEA

  1. In Windows Explorer select all font files in the folder, right-click any of them, then pick “Install” from the menu.
  2. Restart Intellij
  3. Go to Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font, and pick your Font from the Font dropdown.

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