How to Show Read Prompt with a New Line

How to show read prompt with a new line

You can separate the prompt from the actual read :

echo "Please input:"
read name

You can put both on a single line :

echo "Please input:" ; read name

You can also use a different form of quoting :

read -p $'Please input\n' name

This is barely shorter, and many would probably find it a bit less readable, but that is a matter of taste.

How do I add a line break for read command?

I like Huang F. Lei's answer, but if you don't like the literal line break, this works:

read -p "Please Enter a Message: `echo $'\n> '`" message


Please Enter a Message:
> _

...where _ is where the cursor ends up. Note that since trailing newlines are usually dropped during command substitution, I've included the > afterward. But actually, your original question doesn't seem to want that prompt bit, so:

# Get a carriage return into `cr` -- there *has* to be a better way to do this
cr=`echo $'\n.'`

# Use it
read -p "Please Enter a Message: $cr" message


Please Enter a Message:

There has to be a better way, though.

BASH: When reading user input, Enter brings new line

You want to move the cursor up one line. This is achieved with tput cuu1:

echo -e "Enter name: \c"
read U_IP_NAME

tput cuu1

echo -e "Your said your name is : $U_IP_NAME"

More info with man tput and man terminfo.

Using read without triggering a newline action on terminal

The Enter that causes read to return necessarily moves the cursor to the next line. You need to use terminal escapes to get it back to the previous line.
And the rest of your script has some problems anyway. Here's something that works, it should give you a better starting point:

#!/bin/bash -e

while read -p "${PROMPT}" line; do
echo -en "\033[1A\033[2K"
echo "You typed: $line"

\033 is an Esc; the \033[1A moves the cursor to the previous line, \033[2K erases whatever was on it.

How to break a line (add a newline) in read -p in Bash?

You can do it this way:

read -p $'Please Enter the percent [30 between 100]\x0a The value is  Default = 80   :' scale_percent

we use above syntax to insert hex values, we insert \x0a which is the hexadecimal value of the newline character (LF). You can use same syntax above with echo to produce new lines, eg:

echo $'One line\x0asecond line'

This is a feature of BASH 2, it is documented here, the $'' is used to translate all escape sequences inside it for its ascii transcription. So we could obtain the same result of example above, this way:

echo $'One line\nsecond line'

How to display \r\n as actual new line in command prompt?

The result is in bytes. So you have to call decode method to convert the byte object to string object.

>>> print(output.decode("utf-8"))

R: read in a line from user input with newline character

Do you simply want to remove the extra \? If so:

#> [1] "first\\nsecond"

gsub("\\n", "\n", x, fixed = TRUE)
#> [1] "first\nsecond"

Created on 2022-01-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

How to partially read input until a new line using read()?

I'm trying to partially read input until a new line is inputed "\n". But how can I do that with the read() function?

The only way you can achieve this with a read is to read one character at a time. Once you've read the '\n' character, stop.

how do I check what is being read?

while (read(fd, buf + offset, 1) == 1) {
if (buf[offset] == '\n') break;
offset += 1;

Shell Script, read on same line after echoing a message

The shebang #!/bin/sh means you're writing code for either the historical Bourne shell (still found on some systems like Solaris I think), or more likely, the standard shell language as defined by POSIX. This means that read -p and echo -n are both unreliable.

The standard/portable solution is:

printf 'Enter [y/n] : '
read -r opt

(The -r prevents the special treatment of \, since read normally accepts that as a line-continuation when it's at the end of a line.)

If you know that your script will be run on systems that have Bash, you can change the shebang to #!/bin/bash (or #!/usr/bin/env bash) and use all the fancy Bash features. (Many systems have /bin/sh symlinked to bash so it works either way, but relying on that is bad practice, and bash actually disables some of its own features when executed under the name sh.)

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