R 2.15 Install in Redhat

R 2.15 install in Redhat

Generally, building R from source and installing it into your homedirectory is quite easy (I do this too at work). The procedure roughly boils down to the following procedure:

  • create a directory in which you want to install R, e.g. ~/progsandlibs/. You can also use this directory for all other custom software you install.
  • Download R from CRAN.
  • Extract the tar.gz file you downloaded using tar
  • Go into the R-2.15.2 directory.
  • Give the following commands:
    • ./configure --prefix=~/progsandlibs/ --enable-R-shlib
    • make
    • make install
  • Add ~/progsandlibs/bin/ to your PATH environment variable. Easiest is to add a line to your .bashrc: export PATH=~/progsandlibs/bin/:$PATH.

If all the steps above worked correctly, you have R installed, and you can start it from your terminal.

How to install older R version on CentOS

Are you building from the tar.gz file? If so, you should be able to download any version you like, here's a folder with the files for 2.x versions:


EDIT to add:

You can try installing like so, in your shell terminal. (this should work in, for example, Debian, but please read on for the OP's solution in CentOS).

wget https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-2/R-2.15.3.tar.gz
tar zxvf R-2.15.3.tar.gz; cd R-2.15.3/
./configure; make; sudo make install

ADDED from OP, who found a CentOS solution:

Thanks to @resscova's answer and some research on the net. Here's how to install R-2.X.tar.gz on Centos :

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install ncurses-devel zlib-devel texinfo gtk+-devel gtk2-devel qt-devel tcl-devel tk-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel
./configure --with-x=no
make install

Install rJava on centOS

Yes you do need the JDK.

For what it is worth, my Debian / Ubuntu package installs openjdk-6-jdk when building our r-cran-rjava package.

And it looks like the java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 package should work for you, you can also try java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64.

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