Omnibus or Source - Can't Decide Which One to Use for Gitllab Backup/Restore

omnibus or source - can't decide which one to use for gitllab backup/restore

Source or Omnibus, you will have access to the same backup procedure, which will create an archive file that contains the database, all repositories and all attachments.

That means you are saving the data itself, not the all system.
For the system, note the version of the omnibus package you are installing, and you will be able to re-install it in minutes.

How can I check weather GitLab is installed via omnibus or from source?

See if your gitlab root folder has a .git in it: that would mean it represents a clone from the sources.

How to install previous gitlab ce version using omnibus?

To check available gitlab versions
and to install certain version.

yum --showduplicates list gitlab-ce

yum install gitlab-ce-<version info>

Managing (older) CI artifacts in GitLab CE Omnibus

I would be very interested in finding out answers to 1 & 2 too.

For excluding items on the backup task try the SKIP argument:

gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create SKIP=artifacts,builds

You can also SKIP repositories,lfs,uploads. Just supply them as a comma separated list. See also

Attachments not working after restore on different server

Yes, this is a current issue (reported in issue 34073), being investigated in issue 32789 "Links in projects don't update after external_url is changed"

I noticed the following Merge Request: !10597 (merged)

I think here we've found a valid reason where an admin would want to invalidate that cache and regenerate the contents of these fields.

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