Matlab - Run File Without Opening Gui, Then Quit

Matlab - run file without opening GUI, then quit

matlab needs to interpreter to run your commands. you can always end your file with quit to make matlab exit again when finished with your calculations

Is there a way how to run MATLAB script from specific line without GUI?

It seems the answer is 'no': see

comments 27 and 28.

Matlab run script on command line and block until finished

You can use the -wait option above like so:

"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin\matlab.exe" -wait -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('C:\Users\myuser\profile.m');exit;"

How to launch MATLAB without a desktop in Windows

The -nodesktop option was introduced when MATLAB got its Java UI. The option starts MATLAB with the previous interface. I guess they have stopped officially supporting it, but they never removed the option.

MATLAB on Windows has never been quite as comfortable running in a terminal as the Linux and macOS versions—on those OSes, MATLAB does run in the terminal with the -nodesktop option, as they did before the Java UI was introduced.

If you want to run MATLAB non-interactively, use the -batch option. The -r is intended for interactive use, and therefore launches the desktop. The -batch option:

  • Starts without the desktop
  • Does not display the splash screen
  • Executes statement
  • Disables changes to preferences
  • Disables toolbox caching
  • Logs text to stdout and stderr
  • Does not display modal dialog boxes
  • Exits automatically with exit code 0 if statement executes successfully. Otherwise, MATLAB terminates with a non-zero exit code.

(from the docs).

In your case, instead of

matlab -wait -nodesktop -nosplash -r "pause(10); quit"

you should do

matlab -batch "pause(10)"

(I don't know if -wait is still needed on Windows, this is not clear in the documentation, and I don't have Windows to test this.)

In Matlab, is it possible to terminate a script, but save all its internal variables to workspace?

MATLAB versions 2016a and later

If you are using post 2016a versions of Matlab there is actually a pause button that appears when you run the script (as described by @pedre). This allows you to pause the script, inspect variables and then resume afterwards.

Make sure to check out the next section as this may still be convenient.

Older MATLAB versions

Actually the trick is to use dbstop if error.

First use this, then run your script. Once you introduce an error (for example, with Ctrl+C), you then have the chance to inspect/save your workspaces manually.

You will not be able to resume the script.

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