How to Disable Non-Breaking Space with Altgr+Space

How to disable non-breaking space with altgr+space

this did the trick

setxkbmap -option "nbsp:none"

NO-BREAK SPACE after quick auto-complete double brace PhpStorm

It appears this was not an issue in PhpStorm at all.
It was an issue with my Norwegian keyboards, Alt Gr + Space and Ubuntu

In ubuntu Alt Gr + Space produces the non-break space character

I disabled this keybind by typing this into my terminal:

setxkbmap -option "nbsp:none"

How to force non-breaking space in reStructuredText, in code environment?

It works for me if the regular space character is replaced with a non-breaking space (U+00A0) in the reST file. That will produce a single <span> element containing Google Drive in the output:

<span class="pre">~/Google Drive/code/mac/</span>

Inserting a literal non-breaking space can be done in several ways. See

After a pipe the command is considered prefixed with a space

<Checks the source of your original question>

<pre style="width:650px; white-space:pre-wrap">Sometimes on my terminal (Ubuntu) when I type :

ls | grep toto

Thank you for copy-pasting the actual line! (But you didn't copy-paste the error message, naughty you!) See the problem? You have an unbreakable space after the pipe symbol. Shells only understand ASCII characters; all non-ASCII characters, including U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE, are treated as word constituents, so that unbreakable space is treated as part of the word that's in command name position.

You're presumably using a keyboard layout where you need to hold down AltGr to type |. Make sure to release the AltGr modifier so as not to accidentally type AltGr+Space instead of Space. Note that you don't need a space there, you can type ls |grep toto if that's easier on your fingers.

PHP IF OR AND not working

This error message Call to undefined function \xa0() in looks a lot like encoding types are the source of your problem. The \xA0 character is a bugger:

\xa0 is actually non-breaking space in Latin1 (ISO 8859-1), also
chr(160). You should replace it with a space. When .encode('utf-8'), it
will encode the unicode to utf-8, that means every unicode could be
represented by 1 to 4 bytes.Jun 12, 2012

from Python: Removing \xa0 from string?

The problem is you can't see it either because it's a special "whitespace" that was most probably inserted during a Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V from some strange IDE or website.

This should remove them all from your file and replace them with good whitespaces:

' ',

An IDE search & replace could do the trick just as well.

How can I prevent line breaks between words and punctuation in CSS or jQuery

If you don't put a space between the word and the punctuation, and that it is wrapped anyway, you can use the white-space: nowrap; css instruction. Otherwise, if you need a space between the word and the punctuation, like before a ?, use the non-breaking space code. You can have it by typing alt + 0160 on your keyboard if you're using Windows. For more keyboard methods, read this.

I hope it will help.

Use xkbdmap (setxkbmap) to map rwin to altgr?

There's no xkbdmap command in the standard xorg distribution. You probably can use xmodmap but generally things are done slightly differently in the X11 land nowadays. If you use XKB (everybody uses XKB now) then there are virtual modifiers such as "compose" and "meta" and "level 3 chooser" which are mapped to real keys. This is done with the setxkbmap command. You probably want either

setxkbmap -option -option compose:rwin


setxkbmap -option -option lv3:rwin_switch,eurosign:e

depending on what exactly you want. Google setxkbmap options to figure out your possibilities.

(The first empty -option argument clears existing options, the second one adds to existing options. If you want to keep existing options, skip the first -option. Current options are stored in the properties of the root window.)

Note that most keyboards that have AltGr lack the right Alt key. If you want your right Alt to act like AltGr, change rwin to ralt in the above commands.

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