How to Merge Images in Command Line

How to merge images in command line?

You can also try ImageMagic which is great for creating CSS sprites. Some tutorial about it here.

Example (vertical sprite):

convert image1.png image2.png image3.png -append result/result-sprite.png

Example (horizontal sprite):

convert image1.png image2.png image3.png +append result/result-sprite.png

Merge Images Side by Side (Horizontally)

ImageMagick ships with the montage utility. Montage will append each image side-by-side allowing you to adjust spacing between each image (-geometry), and the general layout (-tile).

montage [0-4].png -tile 5x1 -geometry +0+0 out.png

Other examples can be found on Montage Usage page

Merge two pngs via command line tool in windows?

ImageMagick has a command line tool called composite which will do what you want. Distributions available for Windows, Mac, Linux etc. I've just tested it with two transparent PNGs and works as expected.

composite foreground.png background.png newimage.png

How to merge 2 images (border, actual image) with different sizes into 1 in linux

If you make a 64x64 lime-magenta gradient as background.png and a solid blue 56x56 image as foreground.png like this:

magick -size 64x64 gradient:lime-magenta background.png                 
magick -size 56x56 xc:blue foreground.png

Your command to paste the foreground into the centre of the background is as simple as:

magick -gravity center background.png foreground.png -composite result.png 

Sample Image

Combine two single color images into one with CLI (imagemagick?)

Thanks to answers I found elsewhere on transparency, and above here from Bruce on 'composite', I ended up doing:

convert screen-output-red.png -fuzz 30% -transparent white -fill red -opaque black trans.png
composite trans.png screen-output.png combo.png

Haven't figured out if I could do it in one step, but this is good enough for now.

Merge Images via Commandline

Why wouldn't you use ImageMagic? The montage option is likely providing the functionality you are looking for.

If you insist on re-inventing the wheel, use System.Drawing.Bitmap to load and create bitmaps.

Merging Images Vertically in Multipe of 2

You can do it like this:


for ((i=1;i<60;i+=2)); do
echo Stacking $A and $B to make result-${out}.png
magick "$A" "$B" -smush 10 "result-${out}.png"

Imagemagick command line, combine two different sized images

In answer to my own question (courtesy of the clever people on

convert \
trans_alpha.png shadow.png \
-flip \
-background none \
-mosaic \
-flip \

Convert and combine multiple images in one line Imagemagick (windows)

Your question hasn't had much attention, so I wanted to help you along a bit. One thing you can use to make life easier and processing faster is to use Magick Persistent Registers (MPR) which are named lumps of memory where you can create stuff, set it aside with a name and then refer back to it later - very handy for more complicated workflows - and much faster than writing to disk and starting a new process.

So, here's how you can combine your first 3 images to form a single image and set it aside as "left" in an MPR, do the same with the next 3 images, and set them aside as "right" in an MPR, and then recall the two images and place them side-by-side. It is a bit artificial, but it demonstrates what I am suggesting. I also write an intermediate PNG file for debug purposes:

magick 1.png 2.png 3.png -combine -write "left.png"  -write MPR:left  +delete ^
4.png 5.png 6.png -combine -write "right.png" -write MPR:right +delete ^
MPR:left MPR:right +append result.png

Notice also that I didn't need any parentheses because I deleted the first combined image so there was nothing left in the image stack before I added [4-6].png

So, getting back to your question, you probably want something more like this:

magick 1.png 2.png 3.png -colorspace lineargray -combine -write "RGB1.png" -write MPR:RGB1 +delete ^
4.png 5.png 6.png -colorspace lineargray -combine -write "RGB2.png" -write MPR:RGB2 +delete ^
MPR:RGB1 7.png -compose minus_dst -composite ^
MPR:RGB2 -compose add -composite result.png

Of course, you would remove the -write of the intermediate, debug images in production code.

You could speed this up a tiny bit by doing the second line first, followed by the first line. If you did that you wouldn't need to save the MPR:RGB1 and reload it because it would already be in the image stack ready for the subtraction, but the difference is probably tiny and this way is nearer to your thought process. And it's already much better than 3 separate commands and three separate processes with intermediate disk files, so let's not worry too much.

ImageMagick: Combine two images into R/G channels and create a white B channel

Perhaps this is what you want in ImageMagick.

magick r.png g.png g.png -combine -channel b -evaluate set 100% +channel result.png

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