Wget-Like Bittorrent Client or Library

wget-like bittorrent client or library?


ctorrent [General Options] [Download Options] [Make Torrent
Options] file.torrent

CTorrent is a BitTorrent Client written in C that doesn’t
require any graphical component, such as an X server. It’s built as a
console program and it can be even used remotely in a machine that
provides outside ssh access.

Perl library for simple torrent downloading?

Several such libraries include:

  • Net::BitTorrent or here , with documentation here
  • Protocol::BitTorrent

Several existing Perl BitTorent clients include:

  • Bitflu
  • AnyEvent::BitTorrent
  • Basic Net::BitTorrent Client

Also see this related question.

How can I download a file over multiple interfaces in OS X or Linux?

One option would be the "old fashioned" multi-part file..

split -b 50m hugefile multiparthugefile_

That will create multiparthugefile_a, multiparthugefile_b and so on. To rejoin them, use the cat command:

cat multiparthugefile_* > hugefile_rejoined

To actually transfer the files using different interfaces, the wget --bind-address=ADDRESS flag should work:

--bind-address=ADDRESS    bind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local host.

This problem seems like something Bittorrent is positioned to do well, but I'm not sure exactly how you would do this..

Perhaps create a temporary tracker (or use something like OpenBitTorrent.com), and run multiple clients locally - as long as the clients support the LAN transfer feature, each client would grab different parts from the server, and share them with the (local) clients. You'd end up with multiple copies of the file locally, but it would only transferred over the internet once

Is there a python ftp library for uploading whole directories (including subdirectories)?

The ftputil Python library is a high-level interface to the ftplib module.

Looks like this could help. ftputil website

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