How to "Expect" and "Send" After "Interact" Command

Is there a way to expect and send after interact command

If I remember right, you do this:

log_user 0
spawn ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no [lindex $argv 0] -n [lindex $argv 1]
expect "Password:" {send "mypassword\r"}
interact {
"mykeyword" {
send "\003\177\015"

You pass the things to watch out for and actions to take as arguments to interact (just like with expect) and you tell the response script to exp_continue at the end so that it keeps on interacting/expecting.

expect, interact and then again expect

You can read (expect_user) the user's password by yourself and then send it to the spawn'ed program. For example:

[STEP 101] # cat foo.exp
proc expect_prompt {} \
global spawn_id
expect -re {bash-[.0-9]+(#|\$)}

spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
expect "password: "

stty -echo
expect_user -timeout 3600 -re "(.*)\[\r\n]"
stty echo
send "$expect_out(1,string)\r"

send "exit\r"
expect eof
[STEP 102] # expect foo.exp
spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
root@'s password:
bash-4.3# exit
Connection to closed.
[STEP 103] #

Can the expect script continue to execute other command after interact?

YES, processing can continue after an [interact].

Short answer: change the last {send ...} to {exec date >> login_history.log}

There are several concepts you'll want to understand to achieve the control flow you're after. First, provides a succinct synopsis and example of intermediate [interact] use.

Second: why did you see the message "... spawn id ... not open ..."? Because the spawn id is not open. The script you wrote said, in effect, "interact, then, after interact is over, send a new command to the ssh process." If you've already logged out, then, of course that id for a defunct process is no longer available.

Third: how do you achieve what you want? I'm unsure what you want. It sounds as though it would be enough for you simply to transform the [send] as I've described above. How does that look to you?

How do I tell expect that I have finished the interactive mode?

Your problem is two-fold...

  1. You should interact with an explicit return, and give it some way to know you've released control... in this case, I use three plus signs and hit enter.

  2. After you return control, the script will need to get the prompt again, which means the first thing you do after returning control to expect is send another \r. I edited for what I think you're trying to do...

Example follows...

set timeout -1

expect -c "

spawn telnet $IP $PORT1
sleep 1
send \"\r\"
send \"\r\"
expect Prompt1>
interact +++ return

send \"\r\"
expect {
Prompt2> {send \"dir\r\" }

Interact not working from within Expect Script

interact can't let the user enter data via stdin because you are already redirecting stdin for the here document.

Instead, you can save your here document with all expansions to a variable, and then pass that to -c. Here's a simplified example:

script=$(cat << EOF
spawn vi
send "iHello $(hostname)"
expect -c "$script"

Linux expect command without interact directive not working

Without interact the Expect script will exit after the last command expect "]#" and it'll kill the spawned process. It's just like you close the SSH client application (like PuTTY) window when the shell is still alive running.

The interact is a long-running command which waits for the spawned process to exit.

Using two interact in a Expect script

I have resolved the problem:

set timeout -1

set arg1 [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh -p 24
expect "#"
send "go $arg1 \n"
expect "sername:"
send "my_username\n"
expect "assword:"
send "my_password\n"
expect "#"
interact timeout 5 return
send "\n"
expect "root@my_linux:~#"
send "exit\n exit\n"

Explanation: I added a few lines:

# This prevents commands from timing out (default timeout is 10 seconds).
set timeout -1

# When I type something, the timeout is ignored, but when I'm not typing,
# it waits 5 seconds and then continues.
interact timeout 5 return
send "\n"
expect "root@my_linux:~#"
send "exit\n exit\n"

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