How to Download a File from Server Using Ssh

How to download a file from server using SSH?

In your terminal, type:

scp /local/dir

replacing the username, host, remote filename, and local directory as appropriate.

If you want to access EC2 (or other service that requires authenticating with a private key), use the -i option:

scp -i key_file.pem /local/dir


Copying files from server to local computer using SSH

It depends on what your local OS is.

If your local OS is Unix-like, then try:

scp username@remoteHost:/remote/dir/file.txt /local/dir/

If your local OS is Windows ,then you should use pscp.exe utility.
For example, below command will download file.txt from remote to D: disk of local machine.

pscp.exe username@remoteHost:/remote/dir/file.txt d:\

It seems your Local OS is Unix, so try the former one.

For those who don't know what pscp.exe is and don't know where it is, you can always go to putty official website to download it. And then open a CMD prompt, go to the pscp.exe directory where you put it. Then execute the command as provided above


if you are using Windows OS above Windows 10, then you can use scp directly from its terminal, just like how Unix-like OS does.
Thanks to @gijswijs @jaunt @icanfathom

Download file to local computer via SCP while ssh connection to remote computer

Instead of

scp username@host : /path/to/hosts/file/host_file.txt ~/desktop

remove the spaces surrounding the :.

scp username@host:/path/to/hosts/file/host_file.txt ~/desktop


I keep getting an error when trying to download a file from a remote computer when connected via SSH.

You shouldn't run the scp command when you are already sshed into the server --- that just downloads the file from the server... to the server.

You should run the scp command directly from your mac.

Download a file remote server that uses different port and private key

scp -i private_key.pem -P 2222 username@ip_address:/backup/ .

This worked for me.

How to download file(s) from remote server directory to local machine in PuTTY?

(Question is probably more suited to Superuser)

You have your parameters in the wrong order. Please refer to the documentation:

To download, you need:

pscp [options] [user@]host:source target

What you have there is the opposite, it's for doing an upload.

Download file using ssh with simple-ssh npm

Try to get first only the files that are in your folders without using variables, using your path as a string to eliminate errors.

var Client = require('ssh2-sftp-client');
let sftp = new Client
host: 'remote_server_iṕ',
port: 22,
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
}).then(() => {
return sftp.list('/');
}).then(async (files) => {
len = files.length;
await files.forEach(x => {
let remoteFilePath = '/' +;
sftp.get(remoteFilePath).then((stream) => {
let file = './ftp/' +;
fs.writeFile(file, stream, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(err, 'catch error');

To get a single file:

var Client = require('ssh2-sftp-client');
let sftp = new Client
host: 'remote_server_iṕ',
port: 22,
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
}).then(() => {
let remoteFilePath = '/' + fileName;
sftp.get(remoteFilePath).then((stream) => {
let file = './ftp/' +;
fs.writeFile(file, stream, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(err, 'catch error');

Use this to close the ftp connection:


Download file while in ssh mode?

I found this while trying to answer your question for myself:

Just install zssh and use Ctrl-@ to go into file transfer mode.

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