How to Execute a Remote Command Over Ssh with Arguments

How to execute a remote command over ssh with arguments?

Do it this way instead:

function mycommand {
ssh user@123.456.789.0 "cd testdir;./ \"$1\""

You still have to pass the whole command as a single string, yet in that single string you need to have $1 expanded before it is sent to ssh so you need to use "" for it.


Another proper way to do this actually is to use printf %q to properly quote the argument. This would make the argument safe to parse even if it has spaces, single quotes, double quotes, or any other character that may have a special meaning to the shell:

function mycommand {
printf -v __ %q "$1"
ssh user@123.456.789.0 "cd testdir;./ $__"
  • When declaring a function with function, () is not necessary.
  • Don't comment back about it just because you're a POSIXist.

Starting Bash version 4.4, it can also be simplified to this:

function mycommand {
ssh user@123.456.789.0 "cd testdir;./ ${1@Q}"

See ${parameter@operator} section in Shell Parameter Expansion.

Remote ssh command with arguments

The thing is the $ is expanded by the shell before it is passed to the ssh command. You need to deprive it of its special meaning locally by escaping it before passing it to ssh as

ssh -t login@machine watch "ps aux | awk '{print \$1}' | grep php-fpm | wc -l"

The error you are seeing is because when shell tries to expand $1 it does not find a value for it and leaves an empty string which results in incorrect number of arguments passed to awk.

Also you could replace your shell pipeline containing awk and grep with just a simple logic

ssh -t login@machine watch "ps aux | awk '\$1 == \"php-fpm\"{count++}END{print count}'

How do I pass arguments inside a remote command using sshpass and ssh

Finally tried below syntax to append the variable into the command that I need to execute..

sshpass -p $pswd ssh $username@$hostname "aggr show; aggr create -aggregate agg1_"$cluster" -disklist 1.0.0,1.0.1,1.0.2,1.0.3,1.0.4,1.0.5,1.0.6,1.0.7 -simulate true"

What is the cleanest way to ssh and run multiple commands in Bash?

How about a Bash Here Document:

ssh otherhost << EOF
ls some_folder;
./ 'some params'
./some_other_action 'other params'

To avoid the problems mentioned by @Globalz in the comments, you may be able to (depending what you're doing on the remote site) get away with replacing the first line with

ssh otherhost /bin/bash << EOF

Note that you can do variable substitution in the Here document, but you may have to deal with quoting issues. For instance, if you quote the "limit string" (ie. EOF in the above), then you can't do variable substitutions. But without quoting the limit string, variables are substituted. For example, if you have defined $NAME above in your shell script, you could do

ssh otherhost /bin/bash << EOF
touch "/tmp/${NAME}"

and it would create a file on the destination otherhost with the name of whatever you'd assigned to $NAME. Other rules about shell script quoting also apply, but are too complicated to go into here.

Executing multiple commands with ssh, including evaluation of environment variables on the remote machine

Just escape the $ using \.

ssh my_user@my_host "echo \$USER; echo \$HOSTNAME"

How do I get the result of a command from a remote server using ssh?

Simply assign the output of your script to a variable and later use that variable:

echo "Result from SSH = $result"

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