Pthread Mutex Lock Unlock by Different Threads

Pthread Mutex lock unlock by different threads

What you've done is simply not legal, and the behavior is undefined. Mutexes only exclude threads that play by the rules. If you tried to lock mutex1 from thread 2, the thread would be blocked, of course; that's the required thing to do. There's nothing in the spec that says what happens if you try to unlock a mutex you don't own!

pthread mutex (un)locking over different threads

This is not what I see... Notice that EPERM is what T2 should return, not T1. And dually, EDEADLK is what T1 should return if you lock the same mutex twice recursively.

This is the code I used to test:

#include <stddef.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

pthread_mutex_t m;
sem_t s1, s2;

void print(const char *s, int err)
printf("%s %d %s\n", s, err, strerror(err));

void *start_t2(void *arg)
print("t2", pthread_mutex_unlock(&m));

void main(void)
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP);
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
pthread_mutex_init(&m, &mattr);

sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);
sem_init(&s2, 0, 0);

print("t1", pthread_mutex_lock(&m));

pthread_t t2;
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, start_t2, NULL);

print("t1", pthread_mutex_unlock(&m));
pthread_join(t2, NULL);

Locking mutex in one thread and unlocking it in the other

It is not. If thread A gets to mutex_unlock(2) before thread B got to mutex_lock(2), you are facing undefined behavior. You must not unlock another thread's mutex either.

The pthread_mutex_lock Open Group Base Specification says so:

If the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL [...] If a thread attempts to unlock a mutex that it has not locked or a mutex which is unlocked, undefined behavior results.

Force unlock a mutex that was locked by a different thread

I have come up with a workable method to deal with this situation. As I mentioned before, FreeBSD does not support robust mutexes so that option is out. Also one a thread has locked a mutex, it cannot be unlocked by any means.

So what I have done to solve the problem is to abandon the mutex and place its pointer onto a list. Since the lock wrapper code uses pthread_mutex_trylock and then relinquishes the CPU if it fails, no thread can get stuck on waiting for a permanently locked mutex. In the case of a robust mutex, the thread locking the mutex will be able recover it if it gets EOWNERDEAD as the return code.

Here's some things that are defined:

/* Checks to see if we have access to robust mutexes. */

/* Mutex: Mutex Data Table Datatype */
typedef struct mutex_lock_table_tag__ mutexlock_t;
struct mutex_lock_table_tag__
pthread_mutex_t *mutex; /* PThread Mutex */
tsra_daclbk audcallbk; /* Audit Callback Function Pointer */
tsra_daclbk reicallbk; /* Reinit Callback Function Pointer */
int acbkstat; /* Audit Callback Status */
int rcbkstat; /* Reinit Callback Status */
pthread_t owner; /* Owner TID */
tsra_clnup_t *cleanup; /* PThread Cleanup */

/* ******** ******** Global Variables */

pthread_rwlock_t tab_lock; /* RW lock for mutex table */
pthread_mutexattr_t mtx_attrib; /* Mutex attributes */
mutexlock_t *mutex_table; /* Mutex Table */
int tabsizeentry; /* Table Size (Entries) */
int tabsizebyte; /* Table Size (Bytes) */
int initialized = 0; /* Modules Initialized 0=no, 1=yes */
pthread_mutex_t *mutex_abandon[TSRA_MAX_MUTEXABANDON];
pthread_mutex_t mtx_abandon; /* Abandoned Mutex Lock */
int mtx_abandon_count; /* Abandoned Mutex Count */
int mtx_abandon_init = 0; /* Initialization Flag */
pthread_mutex_t mtx_recover; /* Mutex Recovery Lock */

And here's some code for the lock recovery:

/* Attempts to recover a broken mutex. */
int tsra_mutex_recover(int lockid, pthread_t tid)
int result;

/* Check Prerequisites */
if (initialized == 0) return(EDOOFUS);
if (lockid < 0 || lockid >= tabsizeentry) return(EINVAL);

/* Check Mutex Owner */
result = pthread_equal(tid, mutex_table[lockid].owner);
if (result != 0) return(0);

/* Lock Recovery Mutex */
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx_recover);
if (result != 0) return(result);

/* Check Mutex Owner, Again */
result = pthread_equal(tid, mutex_table[lockid].owner);
if (result != 0)

/* Unless the system supports robust mutexes, there is
really no way to recover a mutex that is being held
by a thread that has terminated. At least in FreeBSD,
trying to destory a mutex that is held will result
in EBUSY. Trying to overwrite a held mutex results
in a memory fault and core dump. The only way to
recover is to abandon the mutex and create a new one. */
#ifdef TSRA__ALTERNATE /* Abandon Mutex */
pthread_mutex_t *ptr;

/* Too many abandoned mutexes? */
if (mtx_abandon_count >= TSRA_MAX_MUTEXABANDON)
goto error_1;

/* Get a read lock on the mutex table. */
result = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&tab_lock);
if (result != 0) goto error_1;

/* Perform associated data audit. */
if (mutex_table[lockid].acbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].audcallbk();
if (result != 0)
goto error_2;

/* Allocate New Mutex */
ptr = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (ptr == NULL)
result = errno;
goto error_2;

/* Init new mutex and abandon the old one. */
result = pthread_mutex_init(ptr, &mtx_attrib);
if (result != 0) goto error_3;
mutex_abandon[mtx_abandon_count] = mutex_table[lockid].mutex;
mutex_abandon[mtx_abandon_count] = mutex_table[lockid].mutex;
mutex_table[lockid].mutex = ptr;

#else /* Recover Mutex */

/* Try locking the mutex and see what we get. */
result = pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex_table[lockid].mutex);
switch (result)
case 0: /* No error, unlock and return */
case EBUSY: /* No error, return */
case EOWNERDEAD: /* Error, try to recover mutex. */
if (mutex_table[lockid].acbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].audcallbk();
if (result != 0)
if (mutex_table[lockid].rcbkstat != 0)
result = mutex_table[lockid].reicallbk();
if (result != 0)
goto error_2;
goto error_2;
goto error_2;
case EDEADLK: /* Error, deadlock avoided, abort */
case ENOTRECOVERABLE: /* Error, recovery failed, abort */
/* NOTE: We shouldn't get this, but if we do... */
/* Ambiguous situation, best to abort. */

/* Housekeeping */
mutex_table[lockid].owner = pthread_self();

/* Return */

/* We only get here on errors. */

Because FreeBSD is an evolving operating system like Linux is, I have made provisions to allow for the use of robust mutexes in the future. Since without robust mutexes, there really is no way to do enhanced error checking which is available if robust mutexes are supported.

For a robust mutex, enhanced error checking is performed to verify the need to recover the mutex. For systems that do not support robust mutexes, we have to trust the caller to verify that the mutex in question needs to be recovered. Besides, there is some checking to make sure that there is only one thread performing the recovery. All other threads blocking on the mutex are blocked. I have given some thought about how to signal other threads that a recovery is in progress, so that aspect of the routine still needs work. In a recovery situation, I'm thinking about comparing pointer values to see if the mutex was replaced.

In both cases, an audit routine can be set as a callback function. The purpose of the audit routine is to verify and correct any data discrepancies in the protected data. If the audit fails to correct the data, then another callback routine, the data reinitialize routine, is invoked. The purpose of this is to reinitialize the data that is protected by the mutex. If that fail, then abort() is called to terminate program execution and drop a core file for debugging purposes.

For the abandoned mutex case, the pointer is not thrown away, but is placed on a list. If too many mutexes are abandoned, then the program is aborted. As mentioned above, in the mutex lock routine, pthread_mutex_trylock is used instead of pthread_mutex_lock. This way, no thread can be permanently blocked on a dead mutex. So once the pointer is switched in the mutex table to point to the new mutex, all threads waiting on the mutex will immediately switch to the new mutex.

I am sure there are bugs/errors in this code, but this is a work in progress. Although not quite finished and debugged, I feel that there is enough here to warrant an answer to this question.

How does pthread mutex unlock work? And do threads come up at the same time?

when 'pthread_mutex_lock' is called only current thread is executed
not any others. Can I think like this?

I guess you can think like that, but you'll be thinking incorrectly. pthread_mutex_lock() doesn't cause only the calling thread to execute. Rather, it does one of two things:

  1. If the mutex wasn't already locked, it locks the mutex and returns immediately.
  2. If the mutex was already locked, it puts the calling thread to sleep, to wait until the mutex has become unlocked. Only after pthread_mutex_lock() has successfully acquired the lock, will pthread_mutex_lock() return.

Note that in both cases, the promise that pthread_mutex_lock() makes to the calling thread is this: when pthread_mutex_lock() returns zero/success, the mutex will be locked and the calling thread will be the owner of the lock. (The other possibility is that phread_mutex_lock() will return a negative value indicating an error condition, but that's uncommon in practice so I won't dwell on it)

when it comes to 'pthread_mutex_unlock', does the current thread pass
the lock permission to others and wait until some other thread calls
unlock function again?

The first thing to clarify is that pthread_mutex_unlock() never waits for anything; unlike pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_unlock() always returns immediately.

So what does pthread_mutex_unlock() do?

  1. Unlocks the mutex (note that the mutex must have already been locked by a previous call to pthread_mutex_lock() in the same thread. If you call pthread_mutex_unlock() on a mutex without having previously called pthread_mutex_lock() to acquire that same mutex, then your program is buggy and won't work correctly)
  2. Notifies the OS's thread-scheduler (through some mechanism that is deliberately left undocumented, since as a user of the pthreads library you don't need to know or care how it is implemented) that the mutex is now unlocked. Upon receiving that notification, the OS will check to see what other threads (if any) are blocked inside their own call to pthread_mutex_lock(), waiting to acquire this mutex, and if there are any, it will wake up one of those threads so that that thread may acquire the lock and its pthread_mutex_lock() call can then return. All that may happen before or after your thread's call to pthread_mutex_unlock() returns; the exact order of execution is indeterminate and doesn't really matter.

I guess the 'pthread_mutex_unlock' in ThreadA calls ThreadB and waits
until ThreadB calls unlock function.

pthread_mutex_unlock() does no such thing. In general, threads don't/can't call functions in other threads. For what pthread_mutex_unlock() does do, see my description above.

pthread rwlock lock/unlock from different threads

You need some variable that stores the state. You can protect that variable with a lock. So when a thread needs to check or change the state, it acquires the lock, checks or changes the state, and then releases the lock.

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