How to Disable Qt's Behavior on Linux of Capturing Arrow Keys for Widget Focus Navigation

Handling left and right key events in QT

Try event handler mechanism.May be these left and right key events are already handled ahead of Keypressevent.

bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e);
std::cout << event->key() << "\n";
return false;

Install this eventfilter.(qApplicationobject->installEventFilter(this);)

ComboBox Search Key Press Interval

This feature is implemented in Qt, not in the X server. The searching is done via QAbstractItemView::keyboardSearch on the internal list view. The time allowed between the key presses is controlled by the QApplication::keyboardInputInterval property.

For example, to change it to 1 second (1000 ms):


As crazy as it might sound, every application development framework out there reimplements this functionality :(

How to catch global keyPress events in Ember

If you are looking for a global keypress your code example above is probably the best solution. The ember application is attached to the body (or a root element you've defined) and would require some sort of focus on the view. For example you could do:

App.ApplicationView = Em.View.extend({
keyUp: function(){

This will work, but the application view or a child will need to have focus. This is useful, for example, if you wanted to capture a key event of all input fields.

ComboBox Search Key Press Interval

This feature is implemented in Qt, not in the X server. The searching is done via QAbstractItemView::keyboardSearch on the internal list view. The time allowed between the key presses is controlled by the QApplication::keyboardInputInterval property.

For example, to change it to 1 second (1000 ms):


As crazy as it might sound, every application development framework out there reimplements this functionality :(

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