Cannot Get Qwindow::Fromwinid to Work Properly

How to detect when a foreign window embedded with QWidget.createWindowContainer closes itself?

Below is a simple demo script that shows how to detect when an embedded external window closes. The script is only intended to work on Linux/X11. To run it, you must have wmctrl installed. The solution itself doesn't rely on wmctrl at all: it's merely used to get the window ID from the process ID; I only used it in my demo script because its output is very easy to parse.

The actual solution relies on QProcess. This is used to start the external program, and its finished signal then notifies the main window that the program has closed. The intention is that this mechanism should replace your current approach of using subprocess and polling. The main limitation of both these approaches is they will not work with programs that run themselves as background tasks. However, I tested my script with a number applications on my Arch Linux system - including Inkscape, GIMP, GPicView, SciTE, Konsole and SMPlayer - and they all behaved as expected (i.e. they closed the container window when exiting).

NB: for the demo script to work properly, it may be necessary to disable splash-screens and such like in some programs so they can embed themselves correctly. For example, GIMP must be run like this:

$ python gimp -s

If the script complains that it can't find the program ID, that probably means the program launched itself as a background task, so you will have to try to find some way to force it into the foreground.

Disclaimer: The above solution may work on other platforms, but I have not tested it there, and so cannot offer any guarantees. I also cannot guarantee that it will work with all programs on Linux/X11.

I should also point out that embedding external, third-party windows is not officially supported by Qt. The createWindowContainer function is only intended to work with Qt window IDs, so the behaviour with foreign window IDs is strictly undefined (see: QTBUG-44404). The various issues are documentented in this wiki article: Qt and foreign windows. In particular, it states:

A larger issue with our current APIs, that hasn't been discussed yet,
is the fact that QWindow::fromWinId() returns a QWindow pointer, which
from an API contract point of view should support any operation that
any other QWindow supports, including using setters to manipulate the
window, and connecting to signals to observe changes to the window.

This contract is not adhered to in practice by any of our platforms,
and the documentation for QWindow::fromWinId() doesn't mention
anything about the situation.

The reasons for this undefined/platform specific behaviour largely
boils down to our platforms relying on having full control of the
native window handle, and the native window handle often being a
subclass of the native window handle type, where we implement
callbacks and other logic. When replacing the native window handle
with an instance we don't control, and which doesn't implement our
callback logic, the behaviour becomes undefined and full of holes
compared to a regular QWindow.

So, please bear all that in mind when designing an application that relies on this functionality, and adjust your expectations accordingly...

The Demo script:

import sys, os, shutil
from PySide2.QtCore import (
Qt, QProcess, QTimer,
from PySide2.QtGui import (
from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QMessageBox,

class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self, program, arguments):
layout = QVBoxLayout()
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.external = QProcess(self)
self.external.start(program, arguments)
self.wmctrl = QProcess()
self.timer = QTimer(self)
self._tries = 0

def closeEvent(self, event):
for process in self.external, self.wmctrl:

def embedWindow(self, wid):
window = QWindow.fromWinId(wid)
widget = QWidget.createWindowContainer(
window, self, Qt.FramelessWindowHint)

def handleReadStdOut(self):
pid = self.external.processId()
if pid > 0:
windows = {}
for line in bytes(self.wmctrl.readAll()).decode().splitlines():
columns = line.split(maxsplit=5)
# print(columns)
# wid, desktop, pid, wmclass, client, title
windows[int(columns[2])] = int(columns[0], 16)
if pid in windows:
# this is where the magic happens...
elif self._tries < 100:
self._tries += 1
QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Error',
'Could not find WID for PID: %s' % pid)
QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Error',
'Could not find PID for: %r' % self.external.program())

if __name__ == '__main__':

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if shutil.which(sys.argv[1]):
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])
window.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 600)
print('could not find program: %r' % sys.argv[1])
print('usage: python %s <external-program-name> [args]' %

Embed Qt inside native window (Windows)

First, you need to create a QWindow from HWND so that Qt can handle it:

// C++
QWindow *nativeWindow = QWindow::fromWinId(hwnd);
// Python
nativeWindow = QWindow.fromWinId(hwnd);

Then you create your Qt Widget interface:

// C++
QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello from Qt");
// Python
label = QLabel("Hello from Qt");;

Then you parent the top window of you Qt Widget interface to the native window:

// C++
// Python

However, you cannot use Qt to listen to changes in the HWND window. Quoting Qt documentation:

Note: The resulting QWindow should not be used to manipulate the
underlying native window (besides re-parenting), or to observe state
changes of the native window. Any support for these kind of operations
is incidental, highly platform dependent and untested.

In practice, the signals QWindow::widthChanged() and QWindow::heightChanged() are not emitted.

If you want to listen to events from HWND you have to do it the native Win32 way by using SetWindowsHookEx() or SetWinEventHook().

If you are interested in the resize event you can do in C or C++:

targetHwnd = hwnd; // defined on global scope
DWORD processId;
DWORD threadId= GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &processId);

with the following Wineventproc:

void WINAPI Wineventproc(
DWORD event,
HWND hwnd,
LONG idObject,
LONG idChild,
DWORD idEventThread,
DWORD dwmsEventTime
if(targetHwnd == hwnd) { // Filter events that are not for our window
qDebug() << "event" << event;
RECT rect;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
qDebug() << "Height:" << rect.bottom -;
qDebug() << "Width:" << rect.right - rect.left;

Qt5 embedded window stays independent and isn't being displayed in my own

Turns out the fix was to pass the window id as a decimal, not hex value. It is weird though, because there weren't any errors.

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