Lapack/Blas/Openblas Proper Installation from Source - Replace System Libraries with New Ones

Installing LAPACK and BLAS Libraries for C on Mac OS

You can use Homebrew to take care of this for you. Just install Homebrew and then:

brew install openblas
brew install lapack

But you don't even need that: macOS already ships with BLAS and LAPACK implementations in its vecLib framework. So if your software is vecLib-aware, or you pass it the right compiler options, you don't even need to install a separate BLAS and LAPACK.

Can't build Octave from source

The problem was that OpenBLAS was under /usr/lib and not /usr/lib64. This led to dynamic link problems.

How do libatlas3, liblapacke, and libopenblas0 interact with eachother?

  • Libraries are selected with alternatives:

    • ~# update-alternatives --config
    • ~# update-alternatives --config
  • will use whichever pair of and libraries are currently selected from above.

  • libatlas3-base provides which will always use the ATLAS implementation.

Installing OpenBLAS on CentOS / Fedora

This article proposes installing openblas-compat via Yum. That fixes the issue for me. After installing the default blas package my software was still using OpenBLAS.

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