Amazon Ses on Google Cloud Computing Instance Vm Using Postfix

amazon SES on Google Cloud Computing instance VM using postfix

solved it already.. in case it helps others Google Instance VM can use port 2587. I unblocked that from my console, then used the popular phpmailer php library to send mail...

now all is working perfectly..

finding the port was hard.. google documentation does not make that clear..

SES port is blocked in GCP

Port 2525 is unblocked and all major vendors provide support for the 2525 smtp port.

sending and receiving emails with GCP

Mailgun sounds like a good option to use, if you're still planning to use it on GCP, check that you've created a firewall rule to allow outbound traffic [1]. This step might be the reason why you're not receiving the emails.

If you need a good guide to set up a Postfix server, you might find this guide useful [2].

I've read that you're already using G Suite [3], this option is great and will ease the process a lot.

Google Compute Engine (GCE) email delivery solution?

From the same page:

Blocked Traffic

Traffic on these ports to and from the Internet are blocked or
restricted for all Google Compute Engine instances. If you think you
have a compelling reason to allow this traffic, please contact the
Google Compute Engine team at

  • All outgoing traffic to port 25 (SMTP) is blocked
  • Most outgoing traffic to port 465 or 587 (SMTP over SSL) is blocked except
    for known Google IP addresses

It looks like you'll need to have a compelling reason to allow the traffic for your application; I'm presuming that hitting GMail delivery limits might be a reason. Note that companies like SendGrid also offer email delivery and management (bulk email as a service) with an HTTP interface that you could call from GCE.

Gmail SMTP is not working in ec2 instance

MAIL not accepted from server

Because of the spam abuse that has historically been sent from people using EC2 instances, virtually ALL popular mail providers block the receipt of email from EC2 instances. The world of email and anti-spam measures is part-technical, part-political. For this reason, AWS offers Amazon Simple Email Service.

AWS works with mail providers to ensure that the nodes used by SES have been whitelisted because we do proper authorization/verification up-front.

In this case, the ability to send email from one server but not AWS is, in all likelihood, due to EC2's IP range being blacklisted by Google.

Authentication Required

If the same user/pass works elsewhere without changes, I'm not sure what to say. I know that lots and lots of mail traffic no longer uses port 25, opting instead for 587 for non-SSL and 465 for SSL. That's the first place I'd start poking to find a solution.

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