Using Screen in Bash Script

How to setup screen using a bash script

Try the following, it will open a new screen session with a bash which will change the directory and open a new bash with this directory as current:

screen -S work bash -c 'cd myDir && exec bash'

Adding -d -m to run it in detached mode. And after reattaching you will be in myDir:

screen -S work -d -m bash -c 'cd myDir && exec bash'

Better solution

The following code will create a detached screen with 3 screens each running myCommand1/2/3 in directory myDir1/2/3.

cd myDir1
screen -S work -d -m
screen -S work -X exec myCommand1
screen -S work -X chdir myDir2
screen -S work -X screen
screen -S work -X exec myCommand2
screen -S work -X chdir myDir3
screen -S work -X screen
screen -S work -X exec myCommand3
cd -

Note the last cd - that will return you back to your original working directory.

Finally just use screen -r work to attach your running screen session.

How to start multiple screen sessions from bash script

Resolved that problem with launching the app in the screen after initiation first:

screen -dmS launcher
screen -S launcher -X screen "/home/test/Launcher.exe"
screen -dmS server
screen -S server -X screen "/home/test/server/server/Server.exe"

Using screen in bash script

Your script, as in your example, will get executed by your sell, not the one in the screen. You need to tell the running screen to read a file and execute it - that's what the -X option is for.


cat > $tempfile <<EOF
cd ~/servers/StarMade/
screen -X readbuf $tempfile
screen -X paste .
rm -f $tempfile

You can leave screen running in a 2nd terminal session to see what happens.

View output of a script using screen

So I finally figured it out. I ended up creating just one screen session and multiple windows within the session.

Lum_Types=("Window1" "Window2" "Window3" )
screen -mdS $Windowname
for Lum in ${Lum_Types[@]}
screen -S $Windowname -X screen -t $Lum
screen -S $Windowname -p $Lum -X stuff $"python /Path/to/file arg1 arg2"
screen -S $Windowname -p $Lum -X stuff $'\n'

One key part was to add the $ after the -X stuff in order to pass the string to the screen session and windows.

– Victor

GNU Screen: Open window and send command from loop in Bash script

At the moment (after some help from @Cyrus in the comments) the script looks something like the following:



if ! screen -list | grep -q "$SCREEN_SESSION"; then
echo "Creating new screen session..."
screen -d -m -S "$SCREEN_SESSION"

while IFS='' read line || [[ -n "$line" ]] ; do
echo "Uploading to ${line}"
screen -S "$SCREEN_SESSION" -X chdir "$INITIAL_WD"
screen -S "$SCREEN_SESSION" -X screen bash -c "lftp -e \"set ftp:ssl-allow false; mirror -Rvc\" \"$line\" ; exec bash"
done < <(cat $SERVERLIST)

This seems to work!

Shell Script - SSH using Screen

You fell victim to shell quoting - which is tricky when using ssh. Your command does something alike

cd home/Shell; ./AWS -

so I would try

ssh -i keypair.pem -t ubuntu@ec2-address screen -S teste "sh -c \"cd home/Shell; ./AWS -\""

Using a bash script to launch screen, then split and resize a screen

I know this is old but I needed this, too, and could not find an answer. I finally solved it out like this:

  • make a configuration file, say .splitscreenrc:

    chdir /etc
    screen 0
    stuff "ls -1\n"
    focus down
    resize 3
    chdir /tmp
    screen 1
    stuff "ls\n"
    focus up
  • run screen -c .splitscreenrc

Hope this helps someone ;)

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