How to Add a Ppa Repository Using Ansible

How can I add a PPA repository using Ansible?

Oh, this seems to have been entirely caused by me forgetting the -s option!

Without this it wasn't using sudo.

How should I use Ansible to add a repository to Ubuntu 16.04?

ansible_become_user is the user "you become" so you are trying to execute the task as the mydeployer user. You cannot do that, you should run it as the root.

Remove ansible_become_user=mydeployer from your inventory. Or change it to ansible_become_user=root, but this is default value anyway.

Is there a more elegant way to manage a mix of linux mint and ubuntu servers using ansible?

One way to do this is to use the omit filter. See the documentation. This can be used to make the codename parameter optional when running the apt_repository module.


- name: set distro codename when OS is Linux Mint
distro_codename: focal
when: ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Linux Mint' and ansible_distribution_release == 'una'

- name: Add Ansible PPA
repo: "ppa:ansible/ansible"
codename: "{{ distro_codename | default(omit) }}"

This will ensure that the codename is used while creating APT repository if it is set (for Linux Mint in this case). Otherwise it will be omitted.

Question on updating packages using Ansible

I was able to successfully update my packages with the latest updates for certain packages I wanted such as ansible, git, and vagrant. Here is how the code looks:

###### PPA Repository Setup
###### Add a complete set of repositories into the source list to be updated to the latest version.
###### The only repositories that are up to date are git, ansible, and vagrant. The others will have to be
###### installed separately.
- name: Add stable repositories from PPA to system
repo: "{{ item }}"
- ppa:ansible/ansible # Latest Ansible repo
- ppa:git-core/ppa # Latest git repo
- ppa:tiagohillebrandt/vagrant # Latest Vagrant repo (this is a personal ppa so this needs to be wary)

And let's say you want to add the GPG keys for different repositories such as Docker, here is an example:

###### Docker Setup
###### Setup Docker's GPG key and Docker's repository. It is recommended prior to installation to have
###### these apps installed: apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, curl, gnupg-agent, and software-properties-common.
- name: Add Docker GPG apt key
state: present

- name: Add Docker Repository
repo: deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable
state: present

Now the repo named deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable is something I need to work on. If the version of your Ubuntu let's say 18.04. You would replace $(lsb_release -cs) with bionic. However, lsb_release should provide the version. Thanks for the help all and I hope this helps anyone out there

Ansible no longer works

Your issue is coming from the fact that you are using the instructions to install Ansible on an Ubuntu distribution, when, as you stated it, Pengwin is a Debian based one.

So you should use the chapter on how to install Ansible on Debian and not how to install Ansible on Ubuntu.

Better, still, because Pengwin is a very particular distribution, since it is a WSL one, you might want to try the installation via pip:

Ansible can be installed with pip, the Python package manager. If
pip isn’t already available on your system of Python, run the
following commands to install it:

$ curl -o
$ python --user

Then install Ansible:

$ pip install --user ansible

Git package upgrade to latest using ansible

Ansible executes the same code, across all the inventory hosts. You should start with what's different on It probably has a different repo that provides git.

Validate that with grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | grep git (on the working node), it will list all the installed repositories.

Add a task to validate the git repository is installed on your ubuntu server.

- apt_repository:
repo: 'ppa:git-core/ppa'
state: present

This should be set as the first task, then run the apt update and ultimately install git task.

How to Install Java 8 Using Ansible Without PPA

In my case, I sign up for oracle account then download the .rpm/.tar.gz package directly from Oracle into one of my PC.
I transfer the files to an ansible control server and use ansible playbook to distribute the files to other remote servers using copy module.
Finally I write the ansible role to extract and install them locally using the following methods.

CentOS: You can easily use yum to install the rpm package.

Ubuntu: Follow these steps.

It's not quite a good way since you need to transfer the installer to each server.
I too still looking for a way to use script to download from the oracle website directly, but there is no way to do without sign on authentication.

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