Cuda-Gdb Not Working in Nsight on Linux

cuda-gdb not working in nsight on linux

The problem was the version of cuda-gdb, I had to use cuda-gdb version 5. It comes with the toolkit version 5, just did a symbolic lick to /usr/bin and it's working.

nsight on linux not working with cuda-gdb

That message gets printed when your application suspends. It means your application was not compiled with debug information - in this case debugger is not able to map your instructions to the source lines.

To reproduce this message in the command-line cuda-gdb you need to suspend on a breakpoint, e.g. do "break main" before doing "run"

Update - for people who have similar problem sometime in the future

Application was built as follows:

  1. CUDA kernel code was compiled with NVCC and included debug information. E.g. NVCC call was: nvcc -g -G -c -o mykernel.o
  2. This object file was linked with other object files that were compiled by GCC without generating the debug information - g++ mycpp1.cpp mycpp2.cpp -o mycudaapplication. This resulted in some partial debug information that was not enough for cuda-gdb to properly resolve the path.

Nsight Eclipse Edition by default is relying on cuda-gdb source path resolution to find a file to open in an editor when debugging CUDA application.

CUDA debugging in NSight Eclipse in Linux

I got the card, anyway in CentOS 7 it works well. There's some slowdown when it goes into the kernel, but it does what I wanted it to. I can see the variable values inside the kernel.

One thing though, as of today 18/2/2016, I cannot press "stop" when debugging kernels. It hangs the whole system. Oh well, it did say it is a beta feature.

Nsight Eclipse : .cuda-gdbinit: No such file or directory

This message is harmless. What Nsight does is explicitly instructs cuda-gdb to read .cuda-gdbinit when starting debug session to pick up any custom settings user might have. It is perfectly fine not to have that file.

Debugging cuda kernel code on Ubuntu Nsight?

this is perfectly driver issue. I updated from 310.4 to 319.17 and everything is fine now.

nsight eclipse for linux debug error

(Reposting my comment as an answer in case someone else stumbles upon this thread).

Unfortunately, due to some technical constraints CUDA debuggers require a dedicated GPU on Linux and Mac platforms. The underlying issue is that suspending the GPU on a breakpoint may hang a desktop environment when it tries to do rendering on the suspended GPU.

"warning: Can not parse ..." is not a bug, it is simply a message about GDB flavour used as a basis for cuda-gdb. In no way it limits features available in cuda-gdb and Nsight Visual Debugger.

How to do remote debugging with Nsight 5.5 on Linux?

This looks like a bug in Nsight, we will take a look into this matter.

Please make sure that you have remote toolkit configured for your connection.

  1. From the main menu, select Run -> Debug Configurations...
  2. In the left-hand tree, select you debug configuration under C/C++ Remote Application
  3. Make sure that Remote toolkit combo has proper toolkit selected. If you don't have any toolkit configured, click Manage... and setup the toolkit.

Usually you will only have to setup the toolkit once per your connection - e.g. you will not have to setup it if you want to debug another application on the same remote system.

nsight eclipse remote debugging timed out error

I have the same problem in an OpenSuse server. I have managed to make it work by disabling the firewall in the server.

#/sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 stop

You can start later by

#/sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 start

NSight gdb error

This sounds like a bug in your gdb installation. gdb.Objfile.xmethods is something that should be provided by the gdb core, which implements gdb.Objfile. So, examining it from /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/ should be ok -- because that is also a file that comes with gdb.

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