Comma Separated Values to Single Inverted Quote and Comma Separated Values

comma separated values to single inverted quote and comma separated values

Add a single quote at start (^) & end ($), and replace comma by quote-comma-quote (like you did) using sed with 3 expressions (using -e option to specify them):

echo  abc,defg,hijklm,op,qrs,tuv | sed -e "s/^/'/" -e "s/\$/'/" -e "s/,/',\'/g" 

(also: protect single quotes with double quotes)

results in:


in awk (maybe a little clumsy), generally better since field parsing is handled natively by awk:

echo  abc,defg,hijklm,op,qrs,tuv | awk -F, "{for (i=1;i<=NF-1;i++) printf(\"'%s',\",\$i); printf(\"'%s'\",\$i);}"

(print all fields plus comma except for the last one)

Adding quotes to a comma separated string

Try this

var a = ",,";

var b = "'" + a.split( "," ).join( "','" ) + "'";

console.log( b );

How to wrap comma separated values string in single quotes?

You can do it like below. Hope it helps.

var input = "label1, label2, label3, label4, label5";
var result = '\'' + input.split(',').join('\',\'') + '\'';

split a comma-separated string and add Quotes in C# - elegant solution

You could use string.Join() here:

var result = string.Join(", ", v.Split(",").Select(x => $"'{x}'"));

// '10', '14', '18', '21'

Which basically concatenates the items by ", ", then projects single quotes around each string with Enumerable.Select() from LINQ.

You can also add single quotes without $ - string interpolation:

var result = string.Join(", ", v.Split(",").Select(x => "'" + x + "'"));

As @Racil Hilan helpfully pointed out in the comments, we don't need LINQ here and can just surround the result with "'" and join on "', '":

var result = "'" + string.Join("', '", v.Split(",")) + "'";

PHP adding single quotes to comma separated string

The implode() function requires an array as second argument.
It looks like your $splitnumber is just a simple string not an array of strings as it should probably be.
Try splitting your $splitnumber by commas using the explode() function and put the result of that in the implode function.

Should look like that (not tested):

$splitnumber = ...;
$splittedNumbers = explode(",", $splitnumber);
$numbers = "'" . implode("', '", $splittedNumbers) ."'";

There is probably a cleaner solution by just replacing all occurences of , with ','.

Turn a Comma Delimited String to a List of Strings with Single Quotes

Could you not just use REPLACE to replace each , with a ','?

This assumes the string has the initial and final single quotes in them.

REPLACE(TheString,  ',', ''',''')

If not, you could just add them.

'''' + REPLACE(TheString,  ',', ''',''') + ''''

join string by comma and put quotes around each element

In a single line using the split and join methods with a list comprehension.

s = 'abcd,efgh,igkl,mnop,qrst,uvwx,yz'

print(', '.join([f'"{w}"' for w in s.split(',')]))
# '"abcd", "efgh", "igkl", "mnop", "qrst", "uvwx", "yz"'

How to split an array into single quotes and comma separated list in javascript

Add the quotes into the join and then wrap the resulting string in quotes as well. No need to add any extra overhead when it can be done more efficiently and be more readable.

"'" + myArray.join("', '") + "'";

The only case where this fails is with an empty array, so you can just test length in that case (the brackets aren't necessary, they're just for readability again):

myArray.length ? ( "'" + myArray.join("', '") + "'" ) : '';

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