Sshpass: Command Not Found Error

sshpass: command not found error

you will need to install sshpass on the client server you are running your code in which is a tool that is not installed by default on most Linux distro

if you are in Ubuntu use this command

apt-get install sshpass

on centOS/redhat use this
install epel


rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

install sshpass

yum --enablerepo=epel -y install sshpass


Unable to run sshpass command in centOS

Check if your shell knows the locations of sshpass

which sshpass

If it doesnt give any output use find command to find the location of the executable:

find / -name sshpass

If you find the path, you can either use the full path of the executable:


Or add the path to the PATH environmental variable, so that your shell can locate it:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/

Or the issue might be completely different. sshpass might not be able to find some other dependency. "ssh" client might not be installed. Or your syntax might be wrong:

using jenkins shell invokes python issues sshpass command not found

When an application can be executed in the terminal but can’t be found when invoked via a script on the same machine, most of the times the issue is the PATH environment variable, which is where applications are searched.

The problem can be solved either

  1. by adjusting the PATH environment variable in the calling script, or
  2. by specifying the full path when invoking the binary.

Either way, you will need to figure out where the application is located, by executing (in the terminal)

which sshpass

The result is the full path to the sshpass exucutable. You can now use that inside your cmmd variable in the script, or you can leave cmmd as-is, and adjust PATH before invoking it:

os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path_to_sshpass

Make sure to use the directory name, not the full path. That is, if the full path is /usr/local/bin/sshpass, then path_to_sshpass should be '/usr/local/bin'.

bash: command not found issue ( sshpass )

try using ';' instead of '&&'

sshpass -p 'Password' ssh admin@A.A.A.A -p 30025  "sshpass -p 'Password' ssh B.B.B.B "dpkg -s env.ns | grep -E 'Version|Package' | tr '\n' ',' |sed 's/,$/\n/' ; dpkg -s agent.ns | grep -E 'Version|Package' | tr '\n' ',' |sed 's/,$/\n/'""

sshpass is not recognized on Windows

You cant run sshpass in windows.
You can however use putty via the windows command line, to achieve the same thing.

putty -load "host" -l username -pw password

Also you can upload files via command line (with a password) using WinSCP

winscp /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open s" "put examplefile.txt /home/user/" "exit"

How to put sshpass command inside a bash script?

Do which sshpass in your command line to get the absolute path to sshpass and replace it in the bash script.

You should also probably do the same with the command you are trying to run.

The problem might be that it is not finding it.

Bash : `sshpass` command not working as expected with nested while loop

while read PATH;

The PATH is a special variable. From POSIX shell manual:


A string formatted as described in the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 8, Environment Variables, used to effect command interpretation; see Command Search and Execution.


Command Search and Execution

.... the command shall be searched for using the PATH environment variable ....

The PATH environment variable specifies paths to search for command. Example on my system PATH is equal to:


These are the paths my commands are in. The paths are separated by :.

When you do while read PATH you overwrite the PATH environment variable with some other string, so your command cannot be found.

Change the name of the variable. It is common to make exported variables upper case in shells. It is common to use lower case for variables in your script that are not exported. Also use -r option with read so that \ backslashes are not special and specify IFS= if you don't want to remove leading and trailing whitespaces from lines (dunno if you want to do that). Your script fixed could look like this:

while read -r server password; do
while read -r path; do
sshpass -p "$password" scp * "$server":"$path" </dev/null
done <./paths.txt
done <./serverPass.txt

sshpass will not run provided command on Ubuntu remote host when script is sourced, but does run on windows and if run within the same script

Figured it out. I feel like I should have known this, but somehow it slipped my mind. I had to add -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no on sshpass. so the command should be

sshpass -p 'password' ssh -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no "user@" <<EOF
echo 'password' | sudo -S docker logs --tail 10 container

Hopefully someone finds this and it helps them.

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