Cmake Error: The Following Variables Are Used in This Project, But They Are Set to Notfound

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND

It appears that CMake is unable to find the htmlcxx library.

In the whalebot documentation, htmlcxx is listed as a dependency.

You need to download htmlcxx, unzip it, then install it:

cd <path to unzipped htmlcxx>
./configure --enable-static=on --enable-shared=off
sudo make install

You may need to add #include <cstddef> to the top of html/tree.h to get it to build successfully. It will install to usr/local/ by default.

You also need icu installed if you don't already have it:

sudo apt-get install libicu-dev

Finally, you can now build and install whalebot. Again, making might fail if you have a reasonably up-to-date boost installation.

In line 57 of webspider/src/webspider_options.cpp, you need to replace boost::filesystem::initial_path().native_directory_string() with boost::filesystem::initial_path().string(). Then you should be good to build and install:

cd <path to unzipped whalebot>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo make install

This too will install to usr/local/ by default.

CMake Error: Variables are set to NOTFOUND

I tried the following and it worked:

Change in FindCUDA.cmake the nppi library to the several splitted ones. This has to be done in 3 places. Remember this change is just to make it work with CUDA 9.0, I am not doing checks for version or anything, which should be done if you plan to give it to different people with different CUDA versions.

1) look for the line with:


and replace it with the lines:


2) find the line:


and change it to

set(CUDA_npp_LIBRARY "${CUDA_nppc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppial_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppicc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppicom_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppidei_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppif_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppig_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppim_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppist_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppisu_LIBRARY};${CUDA_nppitc_LIBRARY};${CUDA_npps_LIBRARY}")

3) find the unset variables and add the new variables as well
So, find:


and change it to:

unset(CUDA_nppial_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppicc_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppicom_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppidei_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppist_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppisu_LIBRARY CACHE)
unset(CUDA_nppitc_LIBRARY CACHE)

And also in OpenCVDetectCUDA.cmake you have to remove the 2.0 architechture which is no longer supported.

It has:

set(__cuda_arch_ptx "")
set(__cuda_arch_bin "2.0")
set(__cuda_arch_bin "3.0 3.5 3.7")

It should be:

set(__cuda_arch_ptx "")
set(__cuda_arch_bin "3.0 3.5 3.7")
set(__cuda_arch_bin "5.0 5.2")

Basically I removed the first if and the first elif turns to an if.

As mentionned by @matko
It also has :

set(__cuda_arch_bin "2.0 3.0 3.5 3.7 5.0 5.2 6.0 6.1") 

Which should be changed to:

set(__cuda_arch_bin "3.0 3.5 3.7 5.0 5.2 6.0 6.1") 

One last thing it is needed. CUDA 9.0 has a separated file for the halffloat (cuda_fp16.h) now. This needs to be included in OpenCV.

From CUDA 9.0 manual:

Unsupported Features
General CUDA
‣ CUDA library. The built-in functions __float2half_rn() and __half2float() have been removed. Use equivalent functionality in the updated fp16 header file from the CUDA toolkit.

To do this, you need to add:

#include <cuda_fp16.h>

in the header file


This are the basics for a definite patch for OpenCV. What it is missing, well as I told you before, I do not care about CUDA versions (it needs an IF). Also, CUDA 9.0 has a bunch of deprecated functions used by OpenCV ... this probably will be replaced by the OpenCV team at some point. It is also possible that one or more of the splitted libraries of nppi is not used.

Final recommendations:
For this kind of complex cmakes with so many options you should use ccmake (sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui) to be able to change easily the variables or at least view the values, or a real GUI one.

For other people with windows and visual studio 7, I also had to change the CUDA_HOST_COMPILER variable, else you get a bunch of errors with cmd.exe exit with code 1 or something similar... it seems it couldn't get there with the autodetected one.

This worked for me with OpenCV 3.3 and CUDA 9.0 and Visual Studio 2017 with Windows 10. I think it should work also in Ubuntu, since the error and the changes are related to CUDA. I haven't tested it much, I compiled and run the some of the performance tests and all of them passed... So I think everything worked ok.

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