How to Split Two Vertical Pane Inside a Horizontal Pane in Tmux Using Tmuxinator

How to split two vertical pane inside a horizontal pane in tmux using tmuxinator

If neither main-horizontal nor main-vertical is working for you. Then you can adjust your current layout the way you want to be and use the tmux cmd: list-windows witch will return the current layout. In Example:

list-windows returns:

1: bash [190x41] [layout c9f8,190x41,0,0[190x20,0,0,190x20,0,21{95x20,0,21,94x20

Then the yaml will be:

- editor:
layout: c9f8,190x41,0,0[190x20,0,0,190x20,0,21{95x20,0,21,94x20,96,21}]
- vim
- foo1
- foo2
- server: rails s

horizontal pane inside vertical pane with tmuxinator

I started to use tmxup instead, here's the solution:

session_name: statuspage
- window_name: main dev
layout: main-vertical
- workon statuspage
- shell_command:
- python
- gst
- pwd

Specify pane percentage in tmuxinator project

The layout should be specified in the layout: line. But you are not limited to the five preset layouts (such as main-vertical). From the man page:

In addition, select-layout may be used to apply a previously used layout - 
the list-windows command displays the layout of each window in a form
suitable for use with select-layout. For example:

$ tmux list-windows
0: ksh [159x48]
layout: bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0}
$ tmux select-layout bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0}

tmux automatically adjusts the size of the layout for the current window
size. Note that a layout cannot be applied to a window with more panes
than that from which the layout was originally defined.

First set up your layout just how you like it - you can adjust widths with resize-pane until it is just right for you. Then run tmux list-windows. And then you should be able to use the layout: line from the output unaltered in tmuxinator.conf

So based on the output from your gist:

0: tmux [208x73] [layout b147,208x73,0,0[208x62,0,0,208x10,0,63{104x10,0,63,103x10,105,63}]] (active)

The relevant section of the tmuxinator conf file should be:

  - editor:
layout: b147,208x73,0,0[208x62,0,0,208x10,0,63{104x10,0,63,103x10,105,63}]
- vim
- #empty, will just run plain bash
- top

How can I split my screen in 3 using tmux from a bash script

The direct way to do this is to create a detached session, create the panes, then attach to the session.

# -d says not to attach to the session yet. top runs in the first
# window
tmux new-session -d top
# In the most recently created session, split the (only) window
# and run htop in the new pane
tmux split-window -v htop
# Split the new pane and run perl
tmux split-pane -v perl
# Make all three panes the same size (currently, the first pane
# is 50% of the window, and the two new panes are 25% each).
tmux select-layout even-vertical
# Now attach to the window
tmux attach-session

You can also do this in one call to tmux, but there probably is no reason to do this from a script:

tmux new-session -d top \; split-window -v htop \; split-window -v perl \; select-layout even-vertical \; attach-session

tmuxinator initialize pane with multiple commands

This is supported from 0.6.6.

name: sample
root: ~/

- stats:
- ssh
- tail -f /var/log/stats.log
- logs:
layout: main-vertical
- logs:
- ssh
- cd /var/logs
- tail -f development.log

Please refer to

Launch 2 vertical panes in terminal using TMUX

It looks like you're just missing splitw or split-window:

tmux new -d -s "$uuid"
tmux splitw -h -t "${uuid}:0.0"
tmux send-keys -t "${uuid}.0" "tsc -w" ENTER
tmux send-keys -t "${uuid}.1" "nodemon" ENTER
tmux a -t "$uuid"

Here's the tmux man page on splitw:

 split-window [-bdfhIvP] [-c start-directory] [-e environment] [-l size]
[-t target-pane] [shell-command] [-F format]
(alias: splitw)
Create a new pane by splitting target-pane: -h does a horizon‐
tal split and -v a vertical split; if neither is specified, -v
is assumed. The -l option specifies the size of the new pane
in lines (for vertical split) or in columns (for horizontal
split); size may be followed by ‘%’ to specify a percentage of
the available space. The -b option causes the new pane to be
created to the left of or above target-pane. The -f option
creates a new pane spanning the full window height (with -h) or
full window width (with -v), instead of splitting the active

An empty shell-command ('') will create a pane with no command
running in it. Output can be sent to such a pane with the
display-message command. The -I flag (if shell-command is not
specified or empty) will create an empty pane and forward any
output from stdin to it. For example:

$ make 2>&1|tmux splitw -dI &

All other options have the same meaning as for the new-window

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