Upgrading PHPmyadmin (And Other Packages) on Debian Squeeze

Upgrading phpmyadmin (and other packages) on Debian Squeeze

You can download the latest version from the official page and follow the instrucctions inside the compress file for the installation.

Alternatively if you want to use the debian repositories, you can add

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free

in the file /etc/apt/source.list

Also add

Package: *
Pin: release n=testing
Pin-Priority: 500

in /etc/apt/preferences

doing this you will have all the packages for the testing version, but they're not going to be installed unless you specify it, so run

apt-get update
apt-get install <package name>=<version>

for example

apt-get install phpmyadmin=

you can check the different versions with

apt-cache showpkg phpmyadmin

How to upgrade phpMyAdmin in Debian 7?

No, it behaves as expected.

Any release of Debian comes with the software versions that were considered "stable" at the time of the Debian release. Actually a "bit" earlier, as Debian goes to great lengths to make sure that the software in the release really is stable and that it plays together nicely with all other packages in that release (and there are quite a lot of packages too: iirc, Debian 7 comes with almost 50000 different software packages!).

Debian 7 (codename "wheezy") has been released on May 4th, 2013. At that time, there probably was no phpmyadmin-4.x available anywhere (not even on the harddisks of the phpmyadmin-developers). That's why Debian 7 comes with phpmyadmin-

Sometimes packages get updated after a Debian release. This is only to fix severe security problems, and never to just get a new "hot and fresh" version of a given package.
Whenever you do an aptitude update && aptitude upgrade, you will only upgrade packages in your chosen Debian release (automatically upgrading to a new release might involve downloading thousands of packages and surprise you with a completely new system the next time you look at it).

There's an online interface where you can check which version of a given package is in which (currently supported) Debian release.

So in order to get an up-to-date version of a given package you have the following options:

  • check whether somebody has backported a recent version of your favourite package to the Debian release you are using.

  • upgrade your Debian to a version that supports it

  • download/build the package yourself (preferably creating a proper Debian package, which you can share with other people)

update mysql on debian

First remove the previous version, then install the new one from the downloaded .deb.

update package in debian

apt-get update (as sudo)

apt-get dist-upgrade

Hope this help.


How to force debian squeeze to use libqt4-dev from debian wheezy without upgrading all packages to debian wheezy?

You can do this with apt's "preferences" functionality (man apt_preferences).

To add wheezy as a source of packages without installing anything from wheezy by default, add entries for wheezy to your sources.list, and add the following to /etc/apt/preferences (or to a file in preferences.d):

Package: *
Pin: release n=wheezy
Pin-Priority: 50

Once that is set up, you can install libqt4-dev with the following command:

apt-get install -t wheezy libqt4-dev

This will also install the dependencies of libqt4-dev, which may be numerous. Not being familiar with qt, I'm not sure whether the pinning solution here is the best way to get the newer version of qt onto a squeeze system. Another possibility is the backports repository, but I don't see qt4 in there. A third possibility is to build your own backported version using apt-get -b source.

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