Change Directory and Execute File in One Command

Change directory and execute file in one command

cd /usr/local/bin/minecraft/ && java -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft.jar should do it

use cmd.exe to change directory and run command in that directory

You may want to invoke CD with the /d option, thus not only changing the current directory on drive c: but also going there (in case you are not already on that drive).

 cmd /c "cd /d c:\temp && dir"

Execute command after changing directory

You seem to want to start yarn in the same window instead of opening a new window.

@echo off
cd /D "C:\Development\project\X.WebApp\"
start "" /b yarn start --port

Open cmd, change directory and execute command

You state in the comments that you don't need a separate interpreter. In which case I believe you can do it like this:

@echo off
start /d "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3" sublime_text.exe
start /d D:\xampp\htdocs\webshop compass watch

How to change directory to run .bat files from different drive?

CD /D F:\nrcs_project

Use the /D switch to change current drive in addition to changing current directory for a drive.

changing the directory and executing the makefile commands

Within one makefile you can change directory inside the rules, but you can't say this set of rules runs in one directory and this one runs in the other. Which does not prevent you running rules on files in a different directory by simply giving their path. The data/Makefile can contain rules for ../aws-cdk/something and even ../aws-cdk/%.out: ../aws-cdk/ and that's just fine.

If you do want to actually change directory, you need a separate makefile. I strongly recommend just putting it in the directory where it will run, so aws-cdk/Makefile and then you can just call it from the one in data like $(MAKE) -C ../aws-cdk. You can also put it anywhere else and give make an explicit argument like $(MAKE) -C ../aws-cdk -f aws-cdk.make, but putting it in the directory will be easier to understand when it needs fixing two years down the line and/or by someone who's never seen it.

execute a subcommand in a different directory as the current one in fish?

Right, many of us coming from Posix shells like bash or zsh are used to being able to run a command substitution like this using $() or just backticks and leave the parent shell environment untouched. It's a nice trick, IMHO.

On the other hand, fish doesn't automatically create a subshell when using its command substitution operator (). There's a feature request here for that, but the workaround (as suggested there) is fairly straightforward -- Just explicitly create a subshell inside the command substitution. E.g.:

mv (fish -c 'cd ~/Downloads; ls -t | head -1 | xargs -I {} readlink -f {}') ./

The downside is that syntax highlighting/checking doesn't work in the quoted text, and quoting/escaping rules get more complicated.

How do I change directory and run a file in that directory in powershell?

cd c:/cygwin and ./cygwin.bat are two different statements. You can execute them from the interactive console like so:

PS C:\>       cd c:/cygwin 
PS C:\cygwin> ./cygwin.bat

Or, if you really want to do it on the same line, then use a ; between them to indicate separate statements.

cd c:/cygwin ; ./cygwin.bat

How to change directory with BAT file?

The used command lines are wrong for the wanted behavior which is activating Anaconda environment with making a specific directory the current directory and keep the command process running for entering manually more commands to execute.

A batch file is a script. A script needs a script interpreter executable. The interpreter for Windows batch files is the Windows command processor cmd.exe which is with full qualified file name %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe or %ComSpec%. SystemRoot and ComSpec are two predefined Windows Environment Variables.

Windows command processor halts the processing of a batch file on starting an executable until the started executable terminated itself.

What does happen on cmd.exe instance processing the batch file executes the following command line?

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3

Windows command processor starts one more command process to process the other batch file and keeps running after batch file execution finished because of option /K enclosed uselessly in double quotes. So the started second instance of cmd.exe does not terminate itself. For that reason the first instance of cmd.exe waits and waits and waits for termination of second instance of cmd.exe before it continues processing the batch file with reading the next command line.

Therefore the command line CD C:\Users\zjafri\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2 is executed by first command process only when the user typed exit in second command process to terminate second cmd.exe instance.

One solution would be the usage of following command lines in a batch file:

call "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3"
cd /D "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2"

This batch file results in executing the batch file activate.bat, next is executed command CD and then processing of batch file is finished.

What happens next depends on how the batch file was started. If just a double click was made on the batch file, Windows called cmd.exe with using implicit option /C to execute the batch file and then close the command process. So on double clicking the batch file, a console window opens, the two command lines are executed and the console window closes as cmd.exe terminates itself.

But if the user opened a command prompt which means starting cmd.exe with using implicit the option /K, and executes the batch file from within the command prompt window by typing its full qualified file name without or with the completion help by hitting one or more times TAB after entering just a few characters of a folder/file name, and hits RETURN or ENTER to execute the batch file, the command prompt window remains opened and Anaconda environment is activated with directory %UserProfile%\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2 being the current directory.

Well, first opening a command prompt window and manually running the batch file with full path is not really handy. The batch file could be stored with a short file name in one of the folders of which path is present in value of environment variable PATH like the Windows directory. This would make it possible to open a command prompt, type just the file name of the batch file and hit key RETURN or ENTER to execute it.

Another handy solution would be creating on user's desktop a shortcut file (*.lnk) with file name Anaconda3 on which in properties of the shortcut is configured:

Target: %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /K C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3

Start in: C:\Users\zjafri\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2

Comment: Opens a command prompt and activates Anaconda3 in Runner2

There are multiple advantages on using a shortcut file. A shortcut key can be defined to start Windows command processor and execute the batch file to activate Anaconda environment independent on which application has currently the input focus and if the desktop is behind an application window or in front of all other windows. On the tabs Options, Font, Layout, Colors of the shortcut properties the options and the look can be defined which should be used on using Anaconda like using a console window with more lines/columns and with a larger font as by default.

Although the usage of a shortcut file would be definitely the best solution for this use case, it is also possible to run a batch file with a double click to open a command prompt window to execute the batch file to activate Anaconda environment and keep the command process running with current directory set to wanted directory.

Such a batch file would require just one command line:

@start "Anaconda3" /D"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2" %ComSpec% /K C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3

In this case cmd.exe processing the batch file with this command line starts a new command process with option /K to keep the command process running after execution of the batch file by started cmd.exe with Anaconda3 as title for the new console window and with setting before starting cmd.exe the directory CD C:\Users\zjafri\Desktop\Arthur\Runner2 as current directory. cmd.exe does not wait for termination of the started second cmd.exe in this case and so the cmd.exe instance processing the batch file with this single command line terminates immediately.

The disadvantage of this batch file solution is that the user has no possibility to configure the options, font, layout, colors of the command process which keeps running after activating the Anaconda environment.

For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.

  • call /?
  • cd /?
  • cmd /?
  • start /?

PS: I have installed neither Anaconda nor read its documentation. So I don't know what happens on execution of C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 and what is the current directory after execution of this batch file. If the batch file is good coded and the argument C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 does not mean to change the current directory to this directory, then everything should work as written above. Otherwise the provided solutions need to be adapted depending on what activate.bat changes on environment, i.e. when it changes the current directory.

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