Timed Out While Waiting for the MAChine to Boot When Vagrant Up

Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot when vagrant up

I increase the time using config.vm.boot_timeout. But for me it was not the reason although the error tells about a timeout.

I opened the Vagrantfile using vim and add the following lines which turns on GUI for the VM.

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true

After re-running the vagrant up i saw the real reason in the GUI. There was an error dialog and it keeps waiting. That was the reason for the connection timeout.

To fix this i had to do some configurations in the system BIOS. I had to turn on the intel VT-x setting. And please check for AMD-V setting as well. These settings help hardware virtualization.

Vagrant Windows 10 'hangs on vagrant up

I actually already found my problem. It was a .dll from some addware scanner that was preventing the virtualbox VM from starting. I lost the link to the forum topic which helped me solve this unfortunately.

What i did was open the logs from the VM in VirtualBox and had a read trough. At some point, a line indicating an error appeared with a .dll name which was the culprit. I deleted the offending .dll files from my pc and it was fixed.

If i find the link again to the topic explaining exactly what dll it was i will post it here. Im not at the machine that i fixed the problem on now so i can't access my search history.

vagrant + virtualbox Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot

I upgraded my vagrant to 1.7.2 and my problem is solved now. but I don't see my box running in virtualbox interface . after all I can now ssh to my box and there is no problem.

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