Getting Error on Supervison on Supervisorctl Error (No Such Process)

Why supervisorctl ERROR (no such process)?

I assume you saved the supervisord configuration under /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf, you should first start supervisord process with the specified configuration, then control it with supervisorctl:


> supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
> supervisorctl reread
> supervisorctl update
> supervisorctl start easyschools:*

Also make sure not to have any extra space/newline in your process configuration:

command=php /home/rayes/dashboard/artisan queue:work

Why I get this error laravel-worker: ERROR (no such group)

I tested it out and created a new server with no supervisor configurations at all. These were my steps to get it running:

# 1. create the config file, see below for content
vi /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-worker.conf

# 2. Reload the daemon's configuration files
supervisorctl reread
> laravel-worker: available

# 3. Reload config and add/remove as necessary
supervisorctl update
> laravel-worker: added process group

# 4. Start all processes of the group "laravel-worker"
supervisorctl start laravel-worker:*

# 5. Get status for all processes of the group "laravel-worker"
supervisorctl status laravel-worker:*
> laravel-worker:laravel-worker_00 RUNNING pid 23758, uptime 0:00:16
> laravel-worker:laravel-worker_01 RUNNING pid 23759, uptime 0:00:16

# 6. After a change in php sources you have to restart the queue, since queue:work does run as daemon
php artisan queue:restart
> Broadcasting queue restart signal.


command=php /var/www/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=2

Supervisor no such file

I ended up just removing supervisor entirely, reinstalling and rewriting my config files. I must have just done something wrong in the process and wasn't able to catch it.

supervisorctl ERROR (abnormal termination)

I meet the same problem as yours. As Martijn Pieters saying, it doesn't mean that something goes wrong with your supervisorctl. It just tells you that the program didn't work. You can find some error details in the log.

ERROR (no such process) Nginx+Gunicorn+Supervisord


supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl reload

That should start the service. I did this as root under Ubuntu 13.04.


I've had trouble since I posted this with SIGHUP'ing Supervisor processes. I would just like to share a little snippet I found elsewhere:

sudo kill -HUP `sudo supervisorctl status | grep $APP_NAME | sed -n '/RUNNING/s/.*pid \([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/p'`

The below will send a SIGHUP to the process running APP_NAME. This is useful for Gunicorn graceful reloading.


When I execute supervisorctl, It appears error: class 'socket.error', [Errno 2] No such file or directory: file: string line: 1

In the end. I removed the supervisor. And reinstalled it. It will generate a new supervisord.conf. And I rewrited '/var/tmp/supervisor.sock' to '/home/supervisor.sock'.
It work. Now I am very pleased.

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