Bashrc Not Loading Until Run Bash Command

bashrc not loading until run bash command

Read the INVOCATION section from "bash(1)" for full details (that's the man page for bash; use man bash). Your first shell upon logging in is a "login shell", which means that the .bashrc file is not sourced. Your second invocation creates an interactive shell, where .bashrc is sourced.

If you always want the content of your .bashrc file processed, you can add the following lines to your .bash_profile file, creating that file if it does not already exist:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

Per its man page, bash "[...] looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable." Conventions and policies of your local system will determine which, if any, of these files already exist.

A word of caution: be aware that creating a new .bash_profile in your home directory could have the unintended side-effect of preventing the reading and executing of commands in a .bash_login or .profile file already present, changing further the behavior of subsequent logins.

BASH and/or .BASHRC not working properly after SU or SSH login unless run bash command

If, in fact, your shell isn't bash, you can try to change it like so:

usermod -s /bin/bash mikey

If /bin/bash is the location of bash on that system.

Command Won't Ouput in Colour when Called from bashrc

OK so some_command above was using the colored crate to set the colour of the text. This requires CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variable to be set. Once set everything works as expected.

Thank you @tripleee, @markp-fuso, and @rowboat for your help!

How do I make the changes I made to my .bashrc file persist across my terminal?

Opened preferences and just had it run 'bash' on startup.

WSL bash in Visual Studio Code running .bashrc but not .bash_profile

I can't reproduce this after even after upgrading to 1.70.1, so I'd recommend trying out these things:

  • try

     "path": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\wsl.exe",
    "args": ["-e", "bash", "-li"]

    to make sure that a login shell is started

  • if this changed after upgrading, read Help -> Release Notes to find out what might be responsible, e.g. the Shell integration is now enabled by default, so you might try "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled": false

  • sync / backup your settings, re-install vanilla VSC, check if behaviour is still the same

Aliased command in bashrc does not correctly use $OLDPWD

@Cyrus's answer fixed it...should've used single quotes.

~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, and ~/.bash_profile not running on new terminal start up

Two things need to happen here when using iTerm to get the loading of dotfiles to work.

First you should add the following to your .bash_profile

[[ -s ~/.bashrc ]] && source ~/.bashrc

Secondly you will need to ensure that in iTerm preferences your terminal is set to launch a login shell.

iTerm Preferences

Hope this helps!

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