What Does the Construct X = X || Y Mean

What does the construct x = x || y mean?

It means the title argument is optional. So if you call the method with no arguments it will use a default value of "Error".

It's shorthand for writing:

if (!title) {
title = "Error";

This kind of shorthand trick with boolean expressions is common in Perl too. With the expression:

a OR b

it evaluates to true if either a or b is true. So if a is true you don't need to check b at all. This is called short-circuit boolean evaluation so:

var title = title || "Error";

basically checks if title evaluates to false. If it does, it "returns" "Error", otherwise it returns title.

What does the comma mean in the construct (x = x || y,z)?

The Comma Operator in JavaScript evaluates operands and returns the value of the last one (right-most). By JS Operator Precedence, the OR operation will be evaluated first, followed by the assignment.

So this expression x = x || y, z is in effect (x = (x || y)), z. The OR operator will either return the boolean result of the comparison or, for non-boolean types, the first operand if it is truthy, or the second operand otherwise. The assignment operator is also higher precedence than the comma operator, so x will be assigned the value returned by the OR. The value of z will not have any effect on either the OR operation or the assignment. In fact, it will be evaluated last, meaning it is essentially a separate statement with no effect on anything else in that 'expression.' I can't see any practical value in writing the expression that way.

What is the purpose of x = x || 0 ?

|| in a variable assignment is a common way to specify a default value. This is because of JavaScript's falsy values. In JavaScript, undefined, null, empty string and 0 all evaluate to false in a boolean context.

For example:

var blah = undefined;
if (blah) {
console.log('got it!');
else {
console.log('not true!'); // this one outputs

Using || in an assignment is a way of saying "if defined, otherwise use this".

For this code,

function values(b) {
this.b = b || 0;

we can use a truth table:

b          this.b
5 5
10 10
0 0
undefined 0
null 0
'' 0

The values really of interest are undefined and null. So what we really want is:

if (b !== undefined && b !== null) {
this.b = b;
else {
this.b = 0;

But this.b = b || 0 is much shorter to write.

what does object || {} means in javascript?

parent.auth || {} means if parent.auth is undefined, null or false in boolean case then new empty object will be initialized and assigned.

or you can understand it like:

var auth;
} else {

What does this specific line of code mean/do in Javascript

It is basically saying

If counter[string[i]] is falsy (undefined, 0, empty string, null etc) use 0 to add to 1 otherwise use its existing value to add to 1 and make this addition the new value for counter[string[i]]

It is using the logical OR operator ||

See JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation

Use of || {} in Javascript

What it means

If the variable secret is falsy (one of the following):

  • false
  • 0
  • '' (empty string)
  • null
  • undefined
  • NaN

..then set it to {} (an empty object - it's the same as new Object()).

Alternative code

It could also be written as this:

if (!secret) secret = {};

But as it's longer most people prefer the above.


This solution is useful as javascript has no default function parameters.

For example an example in PHP could look like this:

function foo($bar = 'default') {
echo $bar;

and in JS that could be

function foo(bar) {
bar = bar || 'default';
foo(); //default
foo(NaN); //default
foo(undefined); //default
foo(null); //default
foo(false); //default
foo(0); //default
foo(''); //default
foo('something'); //something
foo(12); //12
foo(1.2); //1.2

What if I only want to set a default if nothing else has been set?

If you only want to check for no value (no falsy values), then you can use the typeof function in JS:

function foo(bar) {
if (typeof bar == 'undefined') bar = 'default';
foo(); //default
foo(undefined); //default
foo(NaN); //NaN
foo(null); //null
foo(false); //false
foo(0); //0
foo(''); //(empty string)
foo('something'); //something
foo(12); //12
foo(1.2); //1.2

Variable equals to A || B. How does this work?

It sets a default value for out, ie if out is not provided to the function, (or it is a falsy value such as false, 0, null, undefined or ''), then out is assigned {}.

How it works:
Javascript uses short circuit evaluation, which means the the or (||) operator will return the first non-falsy value. If out is not falsy, nothing changes, if out is falsy, it gets set to {}.

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