What Does "This" Refer to in Arrow Functions in Es6

What does this refer to in arrow functions in ES6?

Arrow functions capture the this value of the enclosing context

function Person(){
this.age = 0;

setInterval(() => {
this.age++; // |this| properly refers to the person object
}, 1000);

var p = new Person();

So, to directly answer your question, this inside your arrow function would have the same value as it did right before the arrow function was assigned.

this keyword in arrow function

Arrow functions have a lexical this which means that the value of this inside the function is the same as the value of this outside the function.

It does not mean that this points to an object containing all the variables from outside the function.

const anObject = {
aValue: "example value",
aMethod: function() {
console.log("aMethod", this.aValue);

const arrow = () => {
console.log("arrow", this.aValue);



const copyOfAMethod = anObject.aMethod;

Could someone explain arrow functions? (ES6)

In the first example if you wouldn't use bind(), then this would refer to the setTimeout callback. Because you used .bind() you changed the this reference to the obj object. That's why you got the 42 as this.id.

In the second example, bind() is not required because arrow function does not have its own this, it's the same as the parent this, so in this case it's pointing to the obj object and that's why you also get 42 as the this.id

ES6 arrow function and this context

Arrow functions are more or less equivalent to function statements, except that they bind the this argument to that of the parent scope.

In other words, if an arrow function appears in the top scope, its this argument will always refer to the global scope (e.g., window in browsers or global in node.js), while an arrow function inside a regular function will have its this argument the same as its outer function, as your code demostrates.

How to use context parameter of the filter() array with an arrow function

This happens because lambda functions (arrow) get the context of where they're defined, in this case Window, which doesn't have lower or upper props. Just use range.upper and range.lower instead of this and should work just fine.

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