Safari in iOS8 Is Scrolling Screen When Fixed Elements Get Focus

Safari in ios8 is scrolling screen when fixed elements get focus

This is now fixed in iOS 10.3!

Hacks should no longer be needed.

How to stop mobile safari from setting fixed positions to absolute on input focus?

Safari has supported position: fixed since at least version 9.2, but if you're seeing difficult issues, you can fully create the fixed position effect by making the document element and body full screen and then using absolute positioning. Scrolling then occurs in some main container element rather than the body. Your "fixed" elements can exist anywhere in the markup using this method.

jsfiddle here

.mainContainer {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;

.mainContainer {
overflow: auto;

.fixed {
position: absolute;
bottom: 20px;
left: 20px;

IOS8: whole page scrolls down when input in fixed footer gets focus

Make body element fill 100% of width and height with hidden overflow. Then add additional div-container to the body and put all body's former content inside this div. Make the div scrollable. Now it's safe to put the fixed footer inside the body. It won't scroll.

iOS Safari/Chrome - Unwanted scrolling when focusing an input inside the modal

Just adding an answer here in case people stumble upon this question (rather than your other question, which has a great demo to illustrate this issue)

We are facing a similar issue at work. As you mentioned, the offset is always ~50% of the height of the page, which happens regardless of where your initial offset is.

In the past, when I observed a similar "jumping" with earlier iOS versions (albeit, much less dramatic jumping), I have usually worked around this by applying position: fixed (or relative) to the body (which allows overflow: hidden to properly work).

However, this has the unintended consequence of jumping the user back to the top of the page, if they've scrolled down.

So, if you're open to addressing this issue with some JavaScript, here's a fix/hack I've thrown together:

// Tapping into swal events
onOpen: function () {
var offset = document.body.scrollTop; = (offset * -1) + 'px';
onClose: function () {
var offset = parseInt(, 10);
document.body.scrollTop = (offset * -1);

And what the CSS looks like:

.modal--opened {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;

Here's a fork of your demo page (from your other question), to illustrate:

And for those who are looking for a more general fix, you could do something like the following when opening/closing a modal:

function toggleModal() {
var offset;
if (document.body.classList.contains('modal--opened')) {
offset = parseInt(, 10);
document.body.scrollTop = (offset * -1);
} else {
offset = document.body.scrollTop; = (offset * -1) + 'px';

Edit: To avoid the "shifting/unshifting" on desktops, I would suggest feature detection/ua sniffing to apply this to only mobile safari.

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