Render a Table Body in React Using the Map Function

React: Multiple table rows in during render

You're doing

{item.mobile_open &&
<tr className="test-td">

that prints false like <tr>false</tr> if mobile_open is false.


{item.mobile_open ?
(<tr className="test-td">
</tr>) : null

As for the div warning consider using React 16 Fragments

using React 16.0 fragment syntax

{, i) => {
return [
<tr key={i} onClick={toggleMobileOpen.bind(this, i)}>
<td className="toggler">
{item.mobile_open && <ArrowUp />}
{!item.mobile_open && <ArrowDown />}
{item.mobile_open &&
<tr className="test-td">


But I prefer the most recent React 16.2 Fragment Syntax

import React, { Fragment } from "react";

{, i) => {
return (
<tr key={i} onClick={toggleMobileOpen.bind(this, i)}>
<td className="toggler">
{item.mobile_open && <ArrowUp />}
{!item.mobile_open && <ArrowDown />}
{item.mobile_open &&
<tr className="test-td">

More on fragments here

Array not rendering in table within map function but console.logs

personnel is a static array, the component won't re-render when it changes.
To make the component re renders, you have to make it a state

so you import useState from react import React, {useState} from 'react;
then change let personnel = [] to const [personnel , setPersonnel] = useState([]);
and in the call back instead of personnel.push(data) you change it to setPersonnel((prevData)=>[...prevData , data])

Not able to display bootstrap table using map function

You are trying to render the "genre" cell for each movie with...


...but in your data, the value at <SomeMovieInstance>.genre is an object, not a string:

_id: "5b21ca3eeb7f6fbccd471819",
title: "Trip to Italy",
genre: { _id: "5b21ca3eeb7f6fbccd471814", name: "Comedy" },
numberInStock: 7,
dailyRentalRate: 3.5

This it what is making React so angry; as the error message says:

Objects are not valid as a React child

If you change that line to

<td>{}</td> should work.

Return 2 rows when populating table using map function

In react you can render (or return) only one parent component, to solve this normally you would wrap everything with a large <div> but you can't do it in this case so you should use React.Fragment, this component does not generate a new HTML element

const activeLogList = => (
<Table.Row key={logEntry.event}>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{logEntry.event}</Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{this.formatTime(logEntry.time)}</Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{}</Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{logEntry.model}</Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{logEntry.ip}</Table.Cell>
<Table.Cell verticalAlign="middle">{logEntry.description}</Table.Cell>

There is a shorthand for <React.Fragment>, is <> for opening and </> for closing, but is not supported by all parsers yet, React.Fragment is safer by now and also support the key attribute.

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