Exclude a Folder from Glob Pattern Matching

Exclude a folder from glob pattern matching

Here's the PR where that was merged. Here's the syntax. Here's what I have working in my package.json:

"prettier-fix": "prettier --write \"**/*.{js,jsx,json,ts,tsx,md,mdx,css,html,yml,yaml,scss}\" \"!\\.next/**\""

Lint all matching except .next directory. Note the quotes.

Globbing pattern: exclude a directory

Like this:

find /vol ! -path '*/form/*' -type f -name '*.txt'

If you need to negate a pattern, like with a regex, AFAIK look around are not supported by find -regex*. So it's not possible only with one find regex expression.

glob exclude pattern

The pattern rules for glob are not regular expressions. Instead, they follow standard Unix path expansion rules. There are only a few special characters: two different wild-cards, and character ranges are supported [from pymotw: glob – Filename pattern matching].

So you can exclude some files with patterns.

For example to exclude manifests files (files starting with _) with glob, you can use:

files = glob.glob('files_path/[!_]*')

Shell globbing exclude directory patterns

Michael's answer is right. ** matches too much (greedy match), including assets.

So, with this tree:

|-- a
| |-- a1
| | +-- assets
| | |-- a1-1
| | | +-- a1-1.js
| | +-- a1-2
| | +-- a1-2.js
| +-- a2
| +-- a2.js
|-- assets
| +-- xyz.js
|-- b
| |-- b1
| | +-- b1-2
| | +-- b1-2-3
| | |-- assets
| | | +-- b1-2-3.js
| | +-- test
| | |-- test2
| | | +-- test3
| | | +-- test4
| | | +-- test4.js
| | +-- test.js
| +-- b.js
|-- c
| +-- c.js
+-- x.js

The .js files are:

$ find . -name '*.js'

There is a bash variable GLOBIGNORE to do exactly what you are trying to do.

So, this would work:

$ GLOBIGNORE='**/assets/**:assets/**:**/assets'
$ ls -1 **/*.js

Matching all files without an extension, excluding folders [Minimatch]

My current solution was to use a few patterns:

  • one for the "index"
  • one for the "404"
  • one for any files without extensions within folders "*/!(*.*)"

Recursively exclude files and folders that have names beginning with specific characters (using nodejs and glob)

Use ignore option of glob to exclude directories and files starting from character underscore

var glob = require('glob');

glob("**/*",{"ignore":['**/_**.pug', "**/_**/**"]}, function (err, files) {

// Output

Match all files that are inside a folder and ignore one folder inside

Try **/files/{*.js,!(folder1)*/*.js}. You can test using globster.xyz

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