Optional Chaining in JavaScript

How can I use optional chaining with arrays and functions?

You need to put a . after the ? to use optional chaining:

myArray.filter(x => x.testKey === myTestKey)?.[0]

Playground link

Using just the ? alone makes the compiler think you're trying to use the conditional operator (and then it throws an error since it doesn't see a : later)

Optional chaining isn't just a TypeScript thing - it is a finished proposal in plain JavaScript too.

It can be used with bracket notation like above, but it can also be used with dot notation property access:

const obj = {
prop2: {
nested2: 'val2'


JS optional chaining clarification

Let's say you define variable like below

const variable = { value: 'test' };

then you want to access variable?.value it equals variable === null || variable === undefined ? undefined : variable.value.

Same with array.

Check typescript playground and see js output https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/MYewdgzgLgBAhgJwXAnjAvDA2gXQNwBQBiyKA-AHRYCsADDkA

Optional Chaining in JavaScript returns undefined instead of null when the variable to be tested is null

An optional chain does not evaluate to the nullish value on which the property was accessed, but to undefined - just like you get undefined when a property does not exist in an object.

Conceptually, think of person?.street not as

person && person.street

but rather as

(person ?? {}).street

Though accurately (especially when chained further, since it does short-circuit instead of evaluating the rest of the chain) it's really

person != null ? person.street : undefined

See also the FAQ on the optional chaining proposal:

Why does (null)?.b evaluate to undefined rather than null?

Neither a.b nor a?.b is intended to preserve arbitrary information
on the base object a, but only to give information about the
property "b" of that object. If a property "b" is absent from a,
this is reflected by a.b === undefined and a?.b === undefined.

In particular, the value null is considered to have no properties;
therefore, (null)?.b is undefined.

Can Optional Chaining be alternative of 'in' operator in Javascript

AFAIK, in is used to get to know whether the property exists in an object or its prototype or not.

const address = {
zipCode: 1234,
country: 'usa',
city: 'new York',

if ('zipCode' in address) {
console.log('This is address from in checking');

Optional chaining on the left side in Javascript

It's not possible, sorry.

In the interest of a canonical answer: The MDN documentation isn't explicit about this, but you can read the proposal's README in GitHub for more information. It says:

The following is not supported, although it has some use cases; see Issue #18 for discussion:

  • optional property assignment: a?.b = c

In the linked issue are the comments 1:

OK, seems like there's a rough agreement in this thread not to do the write case in the first iteration.

and 2:

We also discussed this question at TC39, and the committee did not seem so interested in adding this feature.

So I guess it's not likely to happen anytime soon.

Hope that helps; good luck!

Optional chaining on Array.find in JS

When you do:

({a:1})?.a = 10

What you are really doing is:

1 = 10

Which causes the same error as you have observed. So you cannot use optional chaining to set values.

Assuming you want to mutate the element of an array what you could do is use ?? to default to empty object in case Array#find returns null. If an element is found you can modify it, if not you're just assigning 50 to an object that is immediately discarded:

let myArray = [{name: "foo", value: 30}, {name: "abc", value: 40}];
(myArray.find(entry => entry.name === 'foo') ?? {}).value = 50;

What are alternative methods for left side optional chaining in Javascript?

You're looking for logical nullish assignment, the short form of x = x ?? y:

(customer.details ??= {}).car = { make: 'Toyota' };

It also works nice with chaining, e.g.

((customer.details ??= {}).car ??= {}).make = 'Toyota';

Optional Chaining in JavaScript

This is currently a Stage 4 proposal you can check on the progress of it here:


You can use the babel plugin today:


Update 11th January 2020:
Babel now supports optional chaining by default

The Optional Chaining operator is spelled ?.. It may appear in three positions:

obj?.prop       // optional static property access
obj?.[expr] // optional dynamic property access
func?.(...args) // optional function or method call


In order to allow foo?.3:0 to be parsed as foo ? .3 : 0 (as required for backward compatibility), a simple lookahead is added at the level of the lexical grammar, so that the sequence of characters ?. is not interpreted as a single token in that situation (the ?. token must not be immediately followed by a decimal digit).

Also worth checking out:



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