How Does Variable Assignment Work in JavaScript

How does variable assignment work in JavaScript?

In the first example, you are setting a property of an existing object. In the second example, you are assigning a brand new object.

a = b = {};

a and b are now pointers to the same object. So when you do: = 'bar';

It sets as well since a and b point to the same object.


If you do this instead:

a = 'bar';

you are saying that a points to a different object now. This has no effect on what a pointed to before.

In JavaScript, assigning a variable and assigning a property are 2 different operations. It's best to think of variables as pointers to objects, and when you assign directly to a variable, you are not modifying any objects, merely repointing your variable to a different object.

But assigning a property, like, will modify the object that a points to. This, of course, also modifies all other references that point to this object simply because they all point to the same object.

Javascript, what happens when we assign value to read-only data property such as string length?

The assignment operator always returns the right-hand value. Hence, passing the expression inside the console.log function returns the right-hand value, in your case 3.

Assigning any value to the length property of a string has no effect.

let myString = "Hello,World!";

myString.length = 4;

// expected output: "Hello,World!"

// expected output: 12

JavaScript: Order in which variable assignment takes place

With var things are a little different, because of hoisting.

Hoisting works with variables too, so you can use a variable in code before it is declared and/or initialized.

However JavaScript only hoists declarations, not initializations! This means that initialization doesn't happen until the associated line of code is executed, even if the variable was originally initialized then declared, or declared and initialized in the same line.


'option strict';
function myFunction() {
// => undefined
var sentence = 'my,array,of,strings';
var foo = sentence.split(',');
// => ['my', 'array', 'of', 'strings']

JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation

See short-circuit evaluation for the explanation. It's a common way of implementing these operators; it is not unique to JavaScript.

Why is this method of variable assignment causing issues?

The difference is that with the second one, you're trying to assign to a properties variable that you haven't declared. The var only applies to prop, not properties because properties is on the right-hand side of the = after prop, so it's part of the initializer for prop. Here's how it's grouped:

var prop = (properties =;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^−−−− initializer for `prop`

In loose mode, that means you're falling prey to what I call The Horror of Implicit Globals — it creates a global called properties. In strict mode, assigning to an undeclared identifier is the error it always should have been. (All new code should be written using strict mode.)

You can declare multiple variables with var, etc., but you can't assign to them all using the same value source (without repeating it).

You could do:

var prop, properties;
prop = properties =;

if you liked. Or alternatively:

var prop =, properties = prop;

That works because the initializers in a var (or let or const) with multiple declarations are executed in source code order, left-to-right, so prop = happens before properties = prop does.

Side note: var shouldn't be used in new code, use let or const. (If you have to support obsolete JavaScript engines, you can transpile modern code to ES5.)

JavaScript variable assignment with OR vs if check

IMHO the use of the OR || for the purposes of assignment is perfectly valid and is good practice. We certainly use it in our projects and I've seen it used in lots of 3rd party projects that we use.

The thing you need to be aware of is how certain JavaScript objects can be coerced to be other values. So for example, if you're ORing values such as "", false or 0 then they are treated as false... this means that when you have the following:

function f(o) {
var x = o || -1;
return x;



...will return -1... but calling


Will return 1 ... even though in both cases you passed a number - because 0 is treated as false -1 is assigned to x.

...that said, as long as you're aware of how the OR operator will treat the operands that you use with it - then it is good JavaScript practice to use it.

Reading in a file, how does variable assignment and scope work?

if you look in the code from that page. The csv file contains salesperson and sales.

1 - You are correct in saying that the files is read in and the contents are assigned to data
2 - Kind of. You should look up what forEach does and its format.

But yes d in this case is the reference to each datum in your data. Given the csv, each datum has a sales property and a salesperson property.

How can you then reference "d" outside of the foreach loop? Isn't it local to the loop? what variable type is "d.sales", some kind of reference to object d? And finally, where the heck did "d.salesperson" get created?

d is just a reference. You can name it anything you want. Its just a reference to each of the datum within the data. They are not the same d, though they reference the same datum.

data.forEach(function(value, index, array){});  

The forEach function is a loop that has access to the following items within the data its looping over, value - which is each datum within the array, index which is the index of that value, and array which is the array itself. The d in your case is the name given to the value part of the function.

When d3 reads in the file it creates an array of objects each with properties based on the headers in the csv file. in this case its like this:

"salesperson": "Bob",
"sales": 33
}, {

You should really do some basic javascript before trying to pull apart a d3 graph. Also if youre not trying to do a graph and only trying to read a csv file, d3 is overkill.

Javascript: || operator for variable assignment

  1. Yes. If x has a truthy value, it will be assigned back to itself. If it doesn't, the default 'some value' will be assigned to it.
  2. There may be a tiny performance benefit in example 2, but example 1 is the standard idiom. Consistency with other programmers is useful because they'll understand your code more easily. Unless you're doing lots of default value initialization in a large loop, the performance gain should be negligible.

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