Referencing "This" Inside Setinterval/Settimeout Within Object Prototype Methods

Referencing this inside setInterval/setTimeout within object prototype methods

Unlike in a language like Python, a Javascript method forgets it is a method after you extract it and pass it somewhere else. You can either

Wrap the method call inside an anonymous function

This way, accessing the baz property and calling it happen at the same time, which is necessary for the this to be set correctly inside the method call.

You will need to save the this from the outer function in a helper variable, since the inner function will refer to a different this object.

var that = this;
return that.baz();
}, 1000);

Wrap the method call inside a fat arrow function

In Javascript implementations that implement the arrow functions feature, it is possible to write the above solution in a more concise manner by using the fat arrow syntax:

setInterval( () => this.baz(), 1000 );

Fat arrow anonymous functions preserve the this from the surrounding function so there is no need to use the var that = this trick. To see if you can use this feature, consult a compatibility table like this one.

Use a binding function

A final alternative is to use a function such as Function.prototype.bind or an equivalent from your favorite Javascript library.

setInterval( this.baz.bind(this), 1000 );

//dojo toolkit example:
setInterval( dojo.hitch(this, 'baz'), 100);

This keyword inside a setTimeout function, which is nested under a on() method. And it is not working

You could use arrow function to do that,

setTimeout(() => {
alert("Time Over");
}, milliSeconds);

If you are writing your code in ES5 then use the 3rd parameter of setTimeout,

alert("Time Over");
}, milliSeconds, this);

No output from the object functions

You can't get the return value from setInterval in this way. Try with a callback as in the following snippet

function dd(name){;  console.log( name );  var _this = this;  this.go=function(cb)  {    setInterval(function() {        cb(;    },1000)  }}var tt=new dd("corolla");tt.go(function(ret) {    console.log( ret );})

How to clear an interval set in this particular way

Save a reference to the intervalID on the component (this.intervalID), and clear it in componentWillUnmount:

class Demo extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.intervalID = setInterval( () => this.baz(), 1000 );

componentWillUnmount() {

render() {

Issue with calling a prototype function with setInterval

You have to bind the this context properly to the function reference,

self.updateTimer = setInterval(self.getUpdates.bind(self), self.updateInterval);

If you do not bind the context explicitly then the this context inside of getUpdates would point to window. So window.updateInterval will be undefined.

typescript window.setInterval() not working properly

Set interval will take take the this.repeat out of the context you need to either explicitly 'bind' the method using

setInterval(this.repeat.bind(this), 5000)


setInterval(()=>this.repeat(), 5000)

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