Making a Chrome Extension Download a File

Making a Chrome Extension download a file

Fast-forward 3 years, and now Google Chrome offers chrome.downloads API (since Chrome 31).

After declaring "downloads" permission in the manifest, one can initiate a download with this call:{
url: "http://your.url/to/download",
filename: "suggested/filename/with/relative.path" // Optional

If you want to generate the file content in the script, you can use Blob and URL APIs, e.g.:

var blob = new Blob(["array of", " parts of ", "text file"], {type: "text/plain"});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);{
url: url // The object URL can be used as download URL

For more options (i.e. Save As dialog, overwriting existing files, etc.), see the documentation.

Chrome APP/Extension download file from URL

See Chrome App documentation on Handling external content. It provides a good overview.

A short version:

  1. Declare the origins you're going to access in the manifest.
  2. Fetch the resource via XHR (or, indeed, Fetch API).
  3. Use the response as a blob: (you can plug it into a <video src="...">, for instance).
  4. Optionally, save the resource locally.

How to download a file to a directory in my chrome extension?

Nevermind, I found the answer: Broswer ID3 Writer by egoroof. This literally does everything I need. What an amazing library!

Download file request chrome extension with headers

As per the docs headers need to be a Array of objects{
url: 'http://test/api/file/download',
filename: "file_from_web_api.exe",
headers: [
{'ProfileID': '1'}

you can also try to create a header object first and then add it to the array look here

EDIT: try with header object{
url: 'http://test/api/file/download',
filename: "file_from_web_api.exe",
headers: new Headers({
'ProfileID': '1'

How to download a file via a Chrome Content Script?

Write a background page or event page and do it from there using the example in your linked answer. Communicate from/to the content script with chrome messages.

Chrome extension doing a download can't always specify file extension?

Looks like an intended restriction in Chrome's handling of downloads to ensure "safety", which you can contest on by advocating your use case.

Meanwhile, download the blob yourself and change its type:

chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(async ({linkUrl: url}) => {
const blob = await (await fetch(url)).blob();
const typedBlob = blob.type === 'application/octet-stream' ? blob :
new Blob([blob], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});{
url: URL.createObjectURL(typedBlob),
filename: url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '.qz',
conflictAction: 'uniquify',

P.S. Now that you don't need webRequest API you can use "persistent": false in manifest.json (FWIW there's a way though to use both at the same time by putting webRequest into optional_permissions, see the documentation).

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