Html5 Filereader How to Return Result

HTML5 FileReader how to return result?

Reading happens asynchronously. You need to provide a custom onload callback that defines what should happen when the read completes:

$('#file_input').on('change', function(e){
readFile(this.files[0], function(e) {
// use result in callback...

function readFile(file, onLoadCallback){
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = onLoadCallback;

(See the Fiddle.)

Note that readFile does not return a value.  Instead, it accepts a callback function, which will fire whenever the read is done. The $('#output_field').text operation is moved into the callback function. This ensures that that operation will not run until the reader's onload callback fires, when will be filled.

Programming with callbacks is a bit difficult to get right at first, but it is absolutely necessary for implementing advanced functionality.

How to return the result of FileReader. in clojurescript

After much reading, I solved it using a callback function:

(ns lopezsolerluis.fits)

(defn read-file [file callback]
(let [js-file-reader (js/FileReader.)]
(set! (.-onload js-file-reader)
(fn [evt]
(let [result (-> evt .-target .-result)
array (js/Uint8Array. result)]
(callback array))))
(.readAsArrayBuffer js-file-reader file)))

Then read-file is called from this:

(ns lopezsolerluis.annie-web)

(defn procesar-archivo [result]
(js/console.log "Bloques: " result))

(defn input-file []
[:input {:type "file" :id "fits" :name "imagenFits" :accept "image/fits"
:on-change (fn [this]
(if (not (= "" (-> this .-target .-value)))
(let [^js/File file (-> this .-target .-files (aget 0))]
(fits/read-file file procesar-archivo)))
(set! (-> this .-target .-value) ""))}])

I added the namespaces because it surprised me that the callback machinery worked even across namespaces. Well, maybe it shouldn't surprise me; but I am learning and was a new concept for me. :)

I answer my question in case it's useful for others (it costed me a lot! :))

HTML5 Filereader always returns empty string?

The FileReader object is not ready yet. You need to add an onload event listener to the reader and then make a call to the readAsText method. You can then access the file contents from inside the callback function.

MDN docs -

function selectfile() {
myFile = document.getElementById("filelist").files[0];
reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = () => {
myResult = reader.result;


reader.readAsText(myFile); // only accessible when the FileReader is loaded
<input type="file" id="filelist" onchange="selectfile()">

Capture result of HTML5 FileReader when using promises in async

As the code is asynchronous in nature, you will have to wait for the result if you want to use it. In your case, you will have to wait until your promise is resolved. So your code should look like:

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
let image = new Image();
var promise = this.getBase64(this.fileObject, this.processImage);
promise.then(function(base64: string) {
image.src = base64;

let editor = new PhotoEditorSDK.UI.ReactUI({
container: this.editor.nativeElement
editor: {
image: image

I have changed following things:

  1. I moved code for ReactUI instantiation inside promise callback
  2. Specified type of base64 parameter as string
  3. Fixed typo in getBase64 function call, from this.processImage() to this.processImage so it is passing callback function and not result of processImage function.

I hope this helps!

How to load FileReader result into HTML5 video for best compatibility across browsers & devices

I ended up just not using FileReader for video, and just using URL.createObjectURL(file) directly on the file and it is working.

onFileUpload({ file }) {
const URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
const vid = document.getElementById('#id-for-video-preview-element');
vid.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);

FileReader onload with result and parameter

Try wrapping your onload function in another function. Here the closure gives you access to each file being processed in turn via the variable f:

function openFiles(evt){
var files =;

for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
var file = files[i];

var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = (function(f) {
return function(e) {
// Here you can use `` or `this.result`
// and ``.


For a discussion of why a closure is required here see these related questions:

  • JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
  • Javascript infamous Loop issue?

Can't return value of fileReader result in AngularJS service

Its because img was not loaded yet. Here is a solution

.service('ReadLocalImageService', [function () {

this.openLocalImage = function (file, callback) {
var img = document.createElement("img");
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (e) {
img.src =;


We will pass a callback function and receive img.src as its param. To use it

ReadLocalImageService.openLocalImage(myImage, function(imgSrc) {
// use imgSrc

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