Iterate Through Nested JavaScript Objects

Iterate through Nested JavaScript Objects

You can create a recursive function like this to do a depth-first traversal of the cars object.

var findObjectByLabel = function(obj, label) {
if(obj.label === label) { return obj; }
for(var i in obj) {
var foundLabel = findObjectByLabel(obj[i], label);
if(foundLabel) { return foundLabel; }
return null;

which can be called like so

findObjectByLabel(car, "Chevrolet");

loop through nested object javascript

You can use Object.entries to get keys and values at once (as array of arrays [key, value]):

const preference = {
"ethnicity": {
"value": "Gurung",
"rank": 1
"occupation": {
"value": "Banker",
"rank": 2

const preferenceRank = {}
for (const [key, { rank }] of Object.entries(preference)) {
preferenceRank[rank] = key


loop through nested object and change property

You can just loop over the value of mydata.language with the help of forEach and make show as false as:

Object.values(mydata.language).forEach((o) => = false);

const mydata = {
message: 'Hello Vues!',
language: {
en: { show: false, displayname: 'English' },
ja: { show: true, displayname: 'Japanese' },
zh: { show: false, displayname: 'Chinese' },

Object.values(mydata.language).forEach((o) => = false);
/* This is not a part of answer. It is just to give the output full height. So IGNORE IT */
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Looping through nested array of objects

This should do it:

const impacts ={impact,nodes}) => 
[{impact},{any,all,none}) => [...any, ...all, ...none]).flat()]

const data =    {
"violations": [{
"impact": "serious",
"nodes": [{
"any": [{
"impact": "critical"
"impact": "serious"
"all": [{
"impact": "moderate"
"none": [{
"impact": "minor"
"impact": "serious",
"nodes": [{
"any": [{
"impact": "serious"
"impact": "minor"
"all": [{
"impact": "moderate"
"none": [{
"impact": "serious"
"impact": "serious",
"nodes": [{
"any": [{
"impact": "critical"
"impact": "critical"
"all": [{
"impact": "moderate"
"none": [{
"impact": "moderate"
"any": [{
"impact": "critical"
"impact": "critical"
"all": [{
"impact": "moderate"
"none": [{
"impact": "moderate"

const impacts ={impact,nodes}) =>
[{impact},{any,all,none}) => [...any, ...all, ...none]).flat()]

console.log( impacts );

Iterate through nested arrays of objects with an undetermined number of children node levels

We can recursively search all nodes until we find the match:

return findNodeWithId(id, this.parents)

findNodeWithId(id, rootArr) {
for (let el of rootArr) {
if ( === id) {
return el
if (el.children) {
const idFoundInChildren = findNodeWithId(id, el.children)
if (idFoundInChildren !== null) {
return idFoundInChildren
return null

JavaScript iterate through nested objects for keys with values above given number

Here is an example using reduce(), iterating the items array of each category using forEach() and pushing a template literal of matching elements to at the accumulator.

const foodmenu = { title: 'Menu', sections: [{ title: 'App', items: [{ title: 'Cookie', available: true, price: 3 }, { title: 'Snicker', available: true, price: 12 }, { title: 'Donuts', available: true, price: 11 }] }, { title: 'FullMeal', items: [{ title: 'Steak', available: false, price: 33 }, { title: 'Chinese Chicken', available: true, price: 14 }, { title: 'Fried Chicken', available: false, price: 17 }] },] };

function findPriceAbove(price, foodmenu) {
return foodmenu.reduce((a, category) => {
category.items.forEach(item => {
if (item.price > price && item.available) {
return a;
}, []); // <-- pass an empty array as the initial accumulator value

console.log(findPriceAbove(13, foodmenu.sections))

How to iterate through nested Objects and combine key and value?

I modified what you did a bit, you can you flatMap

const products = {
value: {
phone: [],
lamp: [],
car: ["bmw", "toyota", "audi"]

const mappedProducts = Object.entries(products.value).flatMap(([value, items]) => {
//console.log("value :", value, "items :", items)
if (items.length > 0) {
return => `${value}-${item}`);
} else {
return [value];


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