How to Load Images Dynamically (Or Lazily) When Users Scrolls Them into View

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

Some of the answers here are for infinite page. What Salman is asking is lazy loading of images.



EDIT: How do these plugins work?

This is a simplified explanation:

  1. Find window size and find the position of all images and their sizes
  2. If the image is not within the window size, replace it with a placeholder of same size
  3. When user scrolls down, and position of image < scroll + window height, the image is loaded

How do you make images load lazily only when they are in the viewport?


Preload/Lazyload Images using Javascipt as user scrolls down a page

Well I coded out what I needed thanks to Kissu for the article. Although what I wanted had nothing related to lazy image, the article somehow gave me a hint on how it can be done. It was a simple use of a combination of intersection observer, conditionals and "v-if" for rendering that component

  1. Set up intersection Observer to track which image index the user is on.
  2. Add a variable to track the furthest image the user has scrolled to. So our website renders and keeps all previous images on the browser)
  3. Set up a "v-if" as to render the next few images. i.e. "v-if" - Render the image of the index that the user is on + next images. E.g. To preload next 5 image
<imageComponent v-if="lastImgViewed+5 > CurrentImage"></imageComponent>

That's It! Simple! Although I don't know if it's lean or the best way to do this - performance wise.

lazy load plugin to load images as user scrolls?

The demo page of jQuery image lazy load plugin doesn't seem to work to me on FF3.6 on Mac. I was watching the HTTP requests with the Net tab of Firebug and I could see all the images loaded onload.

You can check out this plugin called JAIL that works perfectly (requires some HTML changes though).
I especially suggest to look at the the examples.

Lazy load images when they come into the viewport

One of the good things about JavaScript is you can view source and look at whats going on. After viewing the source I found this:

lazy load? / load images only when visible in viewport

You can use lazy load plugin in jQuery.I think it is best suited for u

Lazy Load is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript. It delays loading
of images in long web pages.


How do I only load an image when the user scrolls to it

There are plugins for that. Here's one...

Make images load when they enter visible section of browser?

LazyLoad is no longer available according to the website. Apparently the code no longer works on new browsers and the author doesn't have time to update it.

The "appear" plug in is working well for me.

It allows you to specify a callback function for an element. The callback function is called when the element appears into view. From the site:

$('#foo').appear(function() {
$(this).text('Hello world');

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