Get Hours Difference Between Two Dates in Moment Js

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

You were close. You just need to use the duration.asHours() method (see the docs).

var duration = moment.duration(end.diff(startTime));
var hours = duration.asHours();

Hour difference between two times(HH:MM:SS a)in momentjs

Get Hours

I got the hours by using this code

endTime.diff(startTime, 'hours')

Get Minutes

i got the minutes by using this below code

var mins = moment.utc(moment(endTime, "HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(startTime, "HH:mm:ss"))).format("mm")

My Working code is

$scope.UpdateTimeSheet = function (rowEntity) {   
if (rowEntity.StartTime.toString().length != 11) {
rowEntity.StartTime = moment(rowEntity.StartTime).format("hh:mm:ss a");

if (rowEntity.EndTime.toString().length != 11) {
rowEntity.EndTime = moment(rowEntity.EndTime).format("hh:mm:ss a");

var startTime = moment(rowEntity.StartTime, "hh:mm:ss a");
var endTime = moment(rowEntity.EndTime, "hh:mm:ss a");

var mins = moment.utc(moment(endTime, "HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(startTime, "HH:mm:ss"))).format("mm")

rowEntity.TotalHours = endTime.diff(startTime, 'hours') + " Hrs and " + mins + " Mns";


Get the time difference between two datetimes

This approach will work ONLY when the total duration is less than 24 hours:

var now  = "04/09/2013 15:00:00";
var then = "04/09/2013 14:20:30";

moment.utc(moment(now,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(then,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"))).format("HH:mm:ss")

// outputs: "00:39:30"

If you have 24 hours or more, the hours will reset to zero with the above approach, so it is not ideal.

If you want to get a valid response for durations of 24 hours or greater, then you'll have to do something like this instead:

var now  = "04/09/2013 15:00:00";
var then = "02/09/2013 14:20:30";

var ms = moment(now,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(then,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"));
var d = moment.duration(ms);
var s = Math.floor(d.asHours()) + moment.utc(ms).format(":mm:ss");

// outputs: "48:39:30"

Note that I'm using the utc time as a shortcut. You could pull out d.minutes() and d.seconds() separately, but you would also have to zeropad them.

This is necessary because the ability to format a duration objection is not currently in moment.js. It has been requested here. However, there is a third-party plugin called moment-duration-format that is specifically for this purpose:

var now  = "04/09/2013 15:00:00";
var then = "02/09/2013 14:20:30";

var ms = moment(now,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(then,"DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"));
var d = moment.duration(ms);
var s = d.format("hh:mm:ss");

// outputs: "48:39:30"

How to get difference between two datetime of moment.js?

I found the solution ,may help other people :

var now = moment(new Date(), "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss");
var then = moment(new Date(startDate), "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss");
var diffTime = moment.duration(then.diff(now));
and it depends to you how you want to get difference in seconds ,minutes or hours :

Difference between two dates moment.js

$('#test').click(function() {    var startDate = moment("13/04/2016", "DD/MM/YYYY"); var currenDate = moment(new Date()).format("DD/MM/YYYY"); var endDate = moment(currenDate, "DD/MM/YYYY");    var result = 'Diff: ' + endDate.diff(startDate, 'days');    $('#result').html(result);});
#test {  width: 100px;  height: 100px;  background: #ffb;  padding: 10px;  border: 2px solid #999;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<div id='test'>Click Me!!!</div><div id='result'></div>

Moment.js - two dates difference in number of days

From the moment.js docs: format('E') stands for day of week. thus your diff is being computed on which day of the week, which has to be between 1 and 7.

From the moment.js docs again, here is what they suggest:

var a = moment([2007, 0, 29]);
var b = moment([2007, 0, 28]);
a.diff(b, 'days') // 1

Here is a JSFiddle for your particular case:

$('#test').click(function() {  var startDate = moment("13.04.2016", "DD.MM.YYYY");  var endDate = moment("28.04.2016", "DD.MM.YYYY");
var result = 'Diff: ' + endDate.diff(startDate, 'days');
#test {  width: 100px;  height: 100px;  background: #ffb;  padding: 10px;  border: 2px solid #999;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<div id='test'>Click Me!!!</div><div id='result'></div>

How can I get the hour difference between dates within 24 hours with moment.js?

If you are looking for all times to be in hours, then the answer from stdob-- is fine.

It is worth noting that Moment has .fromNow() built in. Simply take the date string for when your item was created, pass that to the moment constructor, and call the function:


As a practical example:

"2 hours ago"

or, for longer ago:

"3 days ago"

This function will give a little more user friendly output, going from 'a few seconds ago' to 'x minutes ago' to 'y hours ago' and into days, months and years.

The output text of fromNow can be customized. See for the basic documentation and for customization instructions.

As a final best practice note, it should never be necessary to use a javascript Date object with Moment.js unless you have a third party API that requires a date. For what you are doing though, no Date needed.

Get the time difference in hh:mm between two datetimes using moment

Based on the previous answer given, I was able to workaround on same logic and get the correct solution for my question.

let start moment(startTimeStampInMS),
end = moment(endTimeStampInMS);

let timediffms = end-start; // difference in ms
let duration = moment.duration(timediffms);
// _data should not be used because it is an internal property and can
//change anytime without any warning
//let hours = duration._data.days*24 + duration._data.hours;
//let min = duration._data.minutes;
let hours = duration.days()*24+ duration.hours();
let min = duration.minutes();
timeDifference = hours +":"+ min; // Answer

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