Large Numbers Erroneously Rounded in JavaScript

Large numbers erroneously rounded in JavaScript

What you're seeing here is actually the effect of two roundings. Numbers in ECMAScript are internally represented double-precision floating-point. When id is set to 714341252076979033 (0x9e9d9958274c359 in hex), it actually is assigned the nearest representable double-precision value, which is 714341252076979072 (0x9e9d9958274c380). When you print out the value, it is being rounded to 15 significant decimal digits, which gives 14341252076979100.

Prevent JavaScript Number function from rounding big numbers

JavaScript numbers are Double Precision Floats; the largest integer that can be precisely stored is 2^53 (9007199254740992).
If you actually need it in a number you have some fun math ahead of you, or you can use a library such as big.js

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