Getting the Client'S Time Zone (And Offset) in JavaScript

Getting the client's time zone (and offset) in JavaScript

Using getTimezoneOffset()

You can get the time zone offset in minutes like this:

var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
// if offset equals -60 then the time zone offset is UTC+01

get client time zone from browser

Look at this repository pageloom it is helpful

download jstz.min.js and add a function to your html page

<script language="javascript">
function getTimezoneName() {
timezone = jstz.determine()

and call this function from your display tag

Get client's timezone offset in ExpressJS

If you control the client, you can do this with client-side JavaScript.

If you don't (e.g. you're building a server-side component like an API), then you can't pull it out of the HTTP request (unless you're using sessions, but even that's not necessarily reliable).

On the upside, if it's only server-side, you shouldn't worry about it either: set all your date objects as UTC or a Unix timestamp and leave it to the client developer to handle timezones.

How to get Client side time zone

code that works for me...

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
function fnLoad()
var objLocalZone = new Date();
var strLocalZone=''+objLocalZone;

var mySplitResult = strLocalZone.split(" ");

var newLocalZone = mySplitResult[5].slice(0,mySplitResult[5].length-2) +':'+mySplitResult[5].slice(mySplitResult[5].length-2,mySplitResult[5].length);
document.getElementById("hdnTimeZone").value = newLocalZone;
//alert('Length : '+newLocalZone);

hidden input

<input type="hidden" id="hdnTimeZone" name="hdnTimeZone"/>

i don't know this is proper way to get client(visitor)'s timezone. but it works fine for me.If anybody have optimum solution this let me know. thanks...

How to get clients Time zone in JavaScript?

toTimeString() method give time with the timezone name try out below...

var d=new Date();
var n=d.toTimeString();


03:41:07 GMT+0800 (PHT) or 09:43:01 EDT



Check : Automatic Timezone Detection Using JavaScript

download jstz.min.js and add a function to your html page

    <script language="javascript">
function getTimezoneName() {
timezone = jstz.determine_timezone()

Find offset in time zone and add/subtract to current time in javascript

You can:

  1. Create a moment for now
  2. Set the timezone to Africa/Blantyre
  3. Set the time to the required local time in Blantyre
  4. Set the timezone to Asia/Jakarta
  5. Display the time in Jakarta

Internally, the moment object uses an instance of the built–in Date object, which has an ECMAScript time value that represents a single moment in time as an offset from the ECMAScript epoch (1 Jan 1970). Changing the timezone just changes calculations for manipulating and displaying the date, it doesn't change the time value.

So after setting the timezone to Africa/Blantyre, setting the time to 19:00 sets it for 19:00 in Blantyre. Changing the timezone to Jakarta also doesn't change the underlying time value, it just means that the generated timestamp is for Jakarta.

So here's some code:

// First get a moment for "now"
let mBlantyre = moment();

// Set the timezone to Africa/Blantyre'Africa/Blantyre');

// Set the time to 7 pm

// Copy the moment object
mJakarta = moment(mBlantyre);

// Set the timezone to Asia/Jakarta'Asia/Jakarta');

// Display as timestamps
'Africa/Blantyre: ' + mBlantyre.format() +
'\nAsia/Jakarta : ' + mJakarta.format()
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Get timezone from users browser using moment(timezone).js

var timedifference = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

This returns the difference from the clients timezone from UTC time.
You can then play around with it as you like.

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