What's the Difference Between '$(This)' and 'This'

What is the difference between “this”, “$this” and “$(this)”?

In typical usage you'll usually see them like this (the $this usage may vary):

  • this - Refers to the DOM element in the handler you're currently on, but this may be another object entirely in other situations, but it's always the context.
  • $this - Usually created by var $this = $(this) a cached version of the jQuery wrapped version for efficiency (or chain off $(this) to get the same in many cases).
  • $(this) - The jQuery wrapped version of the element, so you have access to all its methods (the ones in $.fn specifically).

jquery this versus $(this) and maybe even $this

this is a JavaScript thing. It refers to the "context" a function is running in. For most event handlers, it is the ("raw") DOM element that is listening to an event. In other situations it will mean other things; Googling "this in JavaScript" might be enlightening.

I say it is the "raw" DOM element because jQuery is often used to wrap plain DOM elements in a jQuery wrapper, so you can use jQuery methods like attr instead of the usual ones (getAttribute, setAttribute, etc.). This wrapping is accomplished with the $ function, and that's where you see $(this). For example:

/* or */ someElement.getAttribute("href")

is the same as

/* or */ $(someElement).attr("href")

$this or this$ is just a variable name. But, it is often conventional to do an assignment like

var $this = $(this);

The reason for this is to avoid continually invoking the $ function, which is somewhat expensive as it creates a new jQuery wrapper object every time. If you store the wrapped element in a variable, you gain slightly in efficiency.

In rare cases, this might already be a jQuery wrapper. The case that comes up often for me is when writing jQuery plugins. In that case you can do things like this.attr("id") directly, without wrapping it up first, because it's already wrapped. In the usual cases (event handlers, $.each, etc.) the wrapper is necessary.

Turn '$(this)' jquery to javascript 'this'

jQuery is set based, and lets you access the elements of that set using either indexer notation ([]) or the get method.

So if you have a jQuery set:

var set = $(this);

...you can access its elements via set[0] through set[set.length - 1] and via set.get(0) through set.get(set.length - 1) (get also supports negative indexes for indexing from the end).

In the case of $(this), of course, you don't need to use $() at all — just use this directly. This is true whenever you have a raw DOM reference, whether this or event.target or whatever.

Jquery : Understanding Syntax

Actually, init: function() { } isn't an anonymous function at all. I will try to answer the numerous parts of your question as best as possible.

ContactForm is an object, and thus has properties and methods that can be accessed through JS. For example, you may access the show() and close() methods from outside of the object by using its literal name, for example:


Since it is an object, you may also reference it by using the this keyword inside of it. For example, if you wanted to call the show() method from inside the init() method, you could do this:

var ContactForm = {
init: function()
this.show(); // using this keyword.

show: function()


close: function()


In this particular instance, this === ContactForm. However, the syntax you indicated of $(this) is used to create a jQuery object (or collection) from a DOMElement object. For example, let's say that you wish to bind a callback function to an element's click event:

$('a').on('click', function() {  
$(this) // <-- This now holds a jQuery object representing the clicked element

So, bearing all of that in mind:

Within the show() method, the first line calls the close() method of the ContactForm object. The code makes use of the Function's prototype call() method, which allows us to specify the value of this inside of the function. So, on the following line:


The code is sending ContactForm.container (which is a jQuery object) to the close() method, so that it may be accessed by this:

var $this = $(this);

Inside of the close() method, this now === $('#contact') and not ContactForm.

Wrap all text that starts with a certain word

Admittedly wasn't specific with my question the first time around, but I managed to get my answer regardless.

$('.content').html($('.content').html().replace(/@([^\s]+)/g,'<a href="$1">@$1</a>'));

This will wrap all code starting with "@" in an element.

Difference between $(shell ...) and $$(...) in make

$(shell ...) is a Make text function. Make will expand this, so in your example, a will expand, when substituted, to the result of the find command. (If you made it a simply-expanded variable, the shell command would be evaluated only once, of course).

$$ is just expanded to $, so in your example, b will substitute as the value $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "Makefile"). This will be the same whether b is defined with = or :=.

When you use $(b) in a command such as echo $(b), the shell running that command will see this as command substitution. In other words, you have echo $(find ...) as a shell command.

Using $(b) in a Make target or dependency will, as you have seen, perform no further evaluation.

Here's another example Makefile, which I hope demonstrates what's going on. We use single-quotes to show literally what the shell is given:

a = $$(echo true)
b = $(shell echo true)

echo '$$a: $a' = "$a"
echo '$$b: $b' = "$b"

.PHONY: print

This gives me

echo '$a: $(echo true)' = "$(echo true)"
$a: $(echo true) = true
echo '$b: true' = "true"
$b: true = true

showing that in the first case, the shell is given $(echo true) in its command, whereas in the second case, Make evaluates echo true and simply substitutes the result true into the command.

Javascript function that can be used by many elements and then distinguish which element clicked it

In the event handler you are trying to compare the this object to a string.

The this in the context of the jQuery callback is the element that was clicked. If you wish to compare who was clicked you have to use this.id which in context of the first month will equal January. So you can compare.

if(this.id == "January") {

There are some other approaches you can take to save on some code.

$("#January,#February,#March,#April").click(function(e) {
var monthStr = this.id;


$("." + monthStr.toLowerCase()).addClass("show");

I hope this is useful.

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