How to Declare a Namespace in JavaScript

How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript?

I like this:

var yourNamespace = {

foo: function() {

bar: function() {


JavaScript Namespace Declaration

Usually I'd recommend doing this (assuming Namespace is not defined elsewhere):

var Namespace = {};
Namespace.MyClass = (function () {
// ...

A more flexible, but more complex, approach:

var Namespace = (function (Namespace) {
Namespace.MyClass = function() {

var privateMember = "private";
function myPrivateMethod(param) {
alert(param || privateMember);

MyClass.MyPublicMember = "public";
MyClass.MyPublicMethod = function (param) {
return Namespace
}(Namespace || {}));

This builds Namespace.MyClass as above, but doesn't rely on Namespace already existing. It will declare and create it if it does not already exist. This also lets you load multiple members of Namespace in parallel in different files, loading order will not matter.

For more:

Define a class with namespace in Javascript

You can just create a new object that contains all your classes/functions:

var myNamespace = {};

myNamespace.Person = function (name, gender) {
// Add object properties like this = name;
this.gender = gender;

myNamespace.Person.prototype.speak = function() {
alert("Howdy, my name is" +;

// Instantiate new objects with 'new'
var person = new myNamespace.Person("Bob", "M");

// Invoke methods like this
person.speak(); // alerts "Howdy, my name is Bob"

MDN has an article explaining JavaScript namespacing.

How to declare a namespace in JavaScript ECS6

In ES2015+, in the main you don't need these fake namespaces anymore. Instead, use modules. (Perhaps with a module loader, since native support for modules is still only just making its way into browsers.)

But if you want to continue using fake namespaces, perhaps temporarily until native support for modules becomes more widespread, what you have is fine, though there's no real advantage to Foo being declared with class than just making it an object as in your original example:

var Foo = Foo || {};
Foo.Bar = class Bar{
this.stuff = null;
get moreStuff(){ return this.stuff++;}

But your version is fine other than giving the impression that Foo can be used to construct something useful, and other than the fact that if you do that in two files, it will fail (whereas your first example using var foo = foo || {}; is happy for you to do that in two files and include them both on the same page, perhaps one definign foo.Something and another defining foo.SomethingElse).

JavaScript namespace object literal

Although || was originally intended to work with booleans, it is implemented in a very handy way that allows it to work to set default values:

function or(a, b) {
if (a) return a
else return b

You can test this in your head and see that it works with booleans: if a is true, the result is true so the result is the same as a. If a is false then the result depends on b.

Variable declarations with var in JavaScript work a bit strangely. You are allowed to redeclare a variable with the same identifier in the same scope. So the way the code works is:

  • If myNamespace is already declared, you redeclare the variable without assigning to it yet. You get the value from the old declaration of myNamespace. This value is assumed to be truthy, so the || will return it.
  • If myNamespace is not yet declared, you declare it and then myNamespace will be undefined, a falsy value. So the || will return the second value, the {}, and that is the value that will get assigned to myNamespace.

It may make sense to read it in two separate steps:

//Declare the variable if it doesn't exist,
//without overwriting an existing value
var myNamespace
//Take the value of myNamespace (undefined if it didn't exist yet)
//and replace it with {} if it is falsy
myNamespace = myNamespace || {}

How to create a top level namespace in javascript

First of all: there are no namespaces in JavaScript. You can somewhat simulate namespaces using objects.

First you have to make sure that your todo object does exist. (You cannot bulk-create properties)

window.todo = {};

Then you can add properties to that todo object:

window.todo.item = (function () { ... })();
// or
window.todo.item = item;

You can also initialize properties while creating the todo object:

window.todo = {
item: (function { ... })()
// or
window.todo = {
item: item

Safely creating namespaces in JavaScript

What will happen is that your aplication will overwrite the properties of the previous one or viceversa depending on wich is executed first.

In javascript "almost" everything can be overwriten. Your aplication is just a simple object in global scope so if the other aplication is written like this.

var MYAPPLICATION = {}; = function () {....}

And yours is

var MYAPPLICATION = MYAPPLICATION || {}; = function () {...}

You will end up with a global variable called MYAPPLICATION with two properties 'foo' and 'bar' with functions defined on it.

One will be yours and the other is not so you can end up with unespected behaviour of your code. So in other words there is no really a safe way of create a namespace in javascript.

You can check this SO article Is there a "concise" way to do namespacing in JavaScript? for more information but I personally recommend you that you use the sandbox pattern instead. This will help you isolate your code a little better.

This is post contains an example to get you started. This adresses some problems of the namespace pattern like having multiple versions of the same app and long name resolution like

How to set up JavaScript namespace and classes properly?

Do neither of those things.

Make a javascript "class":

var MyClass = function () {

var privateVar; //private
var privateFn = function(){}; //private

this.someProperty = 5; //public
this.anotherProperty = false; //public
this.someFunction = function () { //public
//do something


MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass();

One with static vars:

var MyClass = (function(){

var static_var; //static private var

var MyClass = function () {

var privateVar; //private
var privateFn = function(){}; //private

this.someProperty = 5; //public
this.anotherProperty = false; //public
this.someFunction = function () { //public
//do something

return MyClass;


MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass();

With a "constructor" (all of the examples have a "constructor", this one just has parameters to work with):

var MyClass = function (a, b c) {

//DO SOMETHING WITH a, b, c <--

var privateVar; //private
var privateFn = function(){}; //private

this.someProperty = 5; //public
this.anotherProperty = false; //public
this.someFunction = function () { //public
//do something


MyNamespace.MyClass = new MyClass(1, 3, 4);

With all of the above you can do:


But you cannot do (from the outside):

MyNamespace.MyClass.privateFn(); //ERROR!

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